The SVRI in partnership with the Oak Foundation’s Prevent Child Sexual Abuse programme is delighted to invite applications for bursaries to attend the SVRI Forum 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa, 21 – 25 October. SVRI Forum 2019 is SVRIs 6th global conference and is fast becoming the world’s key research conference on violence against women and violence against children in low and middle-income countries.
These bursaries are for practitioners, researchers, activists working in the area of violence against children. We are particularly interested in applications from people researching/working on prevention of child sexual abuse in low- and middle-income countries.
What will the bursary cover?
Full or partial bursaries are available. A full bursary will cover economy flights to and from Cape Town, airport transfers in Cape Town, accommodation, and conference fees. It does not cover home-country transport, visa costs or a per diem. Partial bursaries can include registration only; accommodation and flights only; flights only or accommodation only.
Bursary Selection
Selection of bursaries will take the following into consideration:
How to apply
Apply online or copy the following link into your browser: Applications close Friday, 23rd August 2019 11:59pm SAST. Please note, no applications via email will be accepted. For any queries contact us at
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The SVRI Forum Young Professionals Programme (previously, Abstract Mentoring Programme) is an exciting initiative which provides the opportunity for young professionals from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), to expand their knowledge and skills-base, and to network and engage with experts in a vibrant global space.
The SVRI introduced its first Abstract Mentoring Programme at the SVRI Forum 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa, where four young professionals were mentored by experienced researchers to confidently and successfully deliver their presentations at the Forum. In 2017, the SVRI supported six young professionals to attend the SVRI Forum in Brazil, expanding the programme to include Spanish and Portuguese speaking mentors and mentees.
The success of this mentoring model paved the way for the SVRI Forum Young Professionals Programme, which not only provides the opportunity for Young Professionals to present at an international event and to receive guidance on their presentations in the run up to the Forum this year, but also to participate in networking events to learn from experienced professionals at the conference.
What exactly does mentoring entail in the Young Professionals Programme?
The goal of the Young Professionals Programme is to support, nurture and guide Young Professionals who have had an abstract accepted for presentation at the SVRI Forum 2019 in the process of developing their presentations for the conference. Mentors are experienced professionals who will support young professionals to confidently deliver their presentations through a two-month process of developing and refining their presentation and to receive guidance on public speaking where necessary. Mentoring happens online via email and where mentors and young professionals agree, Skype or any other type video/voice calling may be used.
The SVRI Forum will provide spaces for Young Professionals to network and learn from experienced professionals at the conference. These spaces will encourage young professionals to exchange ideas, learn from each other and from others working in the field. More information on the networking events will be made available closer to the conference and may include a meet and greet at the welcoming event and a post-conference discussion.
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As with previous SVRI Forums, the SVRI works hard to secure as much funding as possible to support attendance of delegates, prioritising low-and-middle income countries. Bursaries are aimed at broadening the participation of under-represented regions and under-represented groups particularly those representing key and vulnerable populations, young people, new and emerging researchers and students from LMICs to help them attend the conference.
SVRI Forum Open Bursaries are highly competitive and priority is given to people from LMICs presenting at the SVRI Forum 2019.
Types of Open Bursaries
Please take note of the following expectations for bursary winners.
Before the SVRI Forum 2019:
During the SVRI Forum 2019:
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