Frequently asked questions
The SVRI Forum 2017 will be held from 18 to 21 September 2017 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These are some of the Frequently Asked Questions to SVRI Forums.
Abstract Information
What is an abstract? - click on questions to view answers
An abstract is short but powerful statement that succinctly describes a research project, policy or programme. It should contain the scope, purpose, results and contents of the work, and is an original summary of the larger report. It provides reviewers with enough information to evaluate quality, interest and innovation ie why is the research important; what problem does it address; methods used; results and implications for the field and key words.
When is the submission deadline for abstracts?
Abstracts are due on 01 February 2017
How will I know if you have received my abstract?
We will promptly acknowledge the receipt of you abstract. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within one week, please send an email to so we can verify if your submission has been received.
My project is still ongoing and there are no results yet, should I still submit an abstract?
If the study is in the beginning phase you are advised not to submit, however, if your study is currently ongoing and you only have preliminary data, but it seems relevant or significant, please submit the abstract.
How do I submit an abstract?
Please submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation electronically before the 1 February 2017 by following the abstract submission guidance and instructions on our website.
Once the abstract has been submitted, can I still modify it?
After an abstract has been submitted, modifications can be made until the deadline. After making your modifications, you need to re-submit to Mandy Salomo ( who will update your abstract on the system. No modifications will be accepted after the submission deadline.
Who selects the abstracts and decides how they will be presented?
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by the abstract review committee. Each abstract is submitted for peer review by members of the abstract review committee. Each abstract is anonymously adjudicated by at least two members of the committee.
When will I be notified if my abstract has been selected for a poster or oral presentation?
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting author by mid-April. 2017.
How can I register to attend the SVRI Forum 2017?
Register online by 01 July 2017 for the forum.
You can pay for your registration through visa or master card or alternatively via bank transfer.
What does my registration to SVRI Forum 2017 include?
The registration to SVRI Forum 2017 includes entry to all main conference sessions from 18-21 September 2017, meals for the duration of the conference, exhibition viewing and conference materials. For more information click here.
I have registered for the conference, but haven’t paid yet. Am I confirmed to attend?
No, your attendance is not confirmed until payment has been received in full.
How can I register as a group?
10% discount will be given to a group registration of 10 or more delegate from the same organisation. All names must be submitted at the same time.
Do presenters have to pay registration?
Can I pay registration onsite?
We strongly suggest that you register ahead of time as space is limited. Our ability to offer onsite registration is fully dependent on capacity.
How do I request a refund?
Notification of cancellation should be sent to the SAMRC Events management office. Written notification of cancellation should be received on or before 01 June 2017 and a 50 per cent of the registration fee will be refunded. We regret that no refund requests will be accepted after this date.
General questions
Do I have to be an SVRI member in order to participate in the Forum?
No, you don't have to be an SVRI member to participate in the Forum.
What languages will be included in the Forum?
All the SVRI Forum sessions will be in English, and where possible and appropriate into Spanish or Portuguese
How much does it cost to use the Exhibition space?
Exhibition space is available at a cost of $1500. The cost includes: 3 x 2 Stands, 2 delegates per stand, Teas and lunch for the duration of the conference, and a conference pack.
View more information on the exhibition page or contact Mandy Salomo at:
Do I need a visa to enter Brazil?
All delegates travelling to Brazil must present valid travel document such as a passport or identify card. Brazil visa requirements vary from country to country, we urge you to contact the nearest Brazilian embassy as soon as possible to determine if you need a visa, and how and when the application should be done.
For more information see the Fact Sheet created by and the General information page of the SVRI Forum 2017 for the travel information.
How do I get a letter for my visa application?
In order to obtain a visa letter, you first need to register for the conference, pay in full and have any required supporting documents submitted and approved (if applicable) before a Letter of Invitation will be sent to your preferred email address. The letter does not financially or otherwise obligate the conference organizers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference and immigration requirements are your sole responsibility.
Requests for visa letters should be sent to before 31 May 2016.
I have a question that’s not listed here, who can I contact?
You can email your questions to , we will respond as soon as we can.
What is the criteria for the bursaries?
A very small number of bursaries are available. Bursaries will only be awarded to individuals who have submitted an abstract that has been accepted for presentation at the Forum, or are linked to a project specific bursary. Priority will be given to applicants from low and middle income countries. A call for applications will be sent out early 2017.
What does the bursary cover?
The bursary will cover either one or all of the following:
Conference registration fees
Economy class return flight ticket from your country
Visa fees (receipts would need to be submitted on arrival for reimbursement)*
Hotel accommodation
Ground transport
I have been awarded a bursary but received other funding, how can I release the bursary so that it will be allocated to someone else?
Please send an email to with the subject “Declining bursary” so that we can allocate the bursary to others who may not have funding.
Health and Safety – Rio, Brazil:
For more information on health and safety in Rio Brazil please visit: