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Satellite Meetings

An international multi-stakeholder meeting on disrespect and abuse in childbirth (Obstretic violence)

Time: 9:00 – 17:00
Venue: Leme
Hosted by: Reproductive Health Matters, World Health Organization, Grupo Curumim Gestação e Parto

Reproductive Health Matters (in partnership with WHO and Grupo Curumim) is convening a multi-stakeholder meeting, inviting researchers, policy makers, healthcare professionals and activists with the aim of generating a priority research agenda on disrespect and abuse in childbirth. The aim of the meeting is to review existing evidence, identifying data gaps and agreeng on research priorities, ensuring the perspectives of researchers, civil society and other actors from the region. The meeting will also present a great opportunity to discuss the concept of obstetric violence versus disrespect and abuse in child birth, among other terms, and allow participants to share experiences and forge closer collaborations. The specific objectives are: i. to discuss the term OV and alternative terminology, such as disrespect and abuse, and understandthe rationale for and against the use of these terms; ii. to present available evidence and share experiences of interventions from the region as well from other regions; iii. to identify research gaps and develop a priority research agenda; iv. to invite selected papers for publication in the RHM journal and v. to allow for international networking and closer collaboration between actors.


Understanding and using research for preventing violence against women and girls: Policymakers’ and donors’ satellite meeting (Closed meeting)

Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Venue: Urca
Hosted by: What Works, World Health Organisation, UN Women, UKAID

Using rigorous evidence to prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG) is key to successful policy and programmatic decision-making. This satellite meeting will equip donors and policy makers with requisite knowledge and skills to interpret research findings to inform decision-making for VAWG prevention, and introduce the UN Prevention Framework to end Violence against Women, demonstrating how to use the framework to build prevention in different countries. The event brings together experts in VAWG research and programming; including presentations from Drs Kristin Dunkle and Esnat Chirwa, South African (MRC), a representative from UN Women and Dr Claudia Garcia Moreno, WHO.

Exploring the links between intimate partner violence and family planning use: Building knowledge for normative change to promote adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health

Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Venue: Urca
Hosted by:  Tearfund and Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) Passages
Project Gender-based Violence Task Team  and Co-sponsored by Promundo

Research identifies gender-based violence (GBV), particularly intimate partner violence (IPV), as an important barrier to family planning (FP) uptake.  Nevertheless, the influence of GBV and IPV on FP use is not well understood or researched. This consultation will present findings from research by Passages and partners examining the intersection of these two areas, capturing existing programming on these linkages, identifying where there are gaps in related knowledge and practice, and exploring the implications for work on shifting social and gender norms on IPV and FP in order to promote adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.

UN Coordinated strategies to prevent and respond to violence

Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Venue: Ipanema
Hosted by: UN Women

Women’s right to live free from violence is upheld by international agreements such as CEDAW and the 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women and the elimination of all forms of violence against women, as a target area (Sustainable Development Goal 5.2) is included in Agenda 2030 under Goal 5. In order to address violence against women effectively, the UN is advocating for a comprehensive and human-rights based approach that addresses legislation and policies, prevention, services for survivors, research and data. This side-event will present specific UN coordinated initiatives (UN Prevention Framework, Essential Services Programme) and some initial lessons-learned.

Coalition of Feminists for Social Change (Closed Meeting)

Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Venue: Leme
Hosted by: COFEM

Towards global minimum standards for prevention & response to gender based violence in emergencies

Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Venue: Vidigal
Hosted by:United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR)

While Gender Based Violence (GBV) is pervasive in times of peace, during conflict or natural disaster– when support systems are weakened–the risk of violence against women & girls is heightened. Such conditions make strengthening the provision and coordination of humanitarian response critical to upholding the dignity and rights of all affected persons. The session will engage attendees to explore the case for the development of “Global Minimum Standards” that provide clear and unambiguous guidance, for safe, ethical, survivor-centered GBV prevention and response.


What works to change social norms to end violence against women and girls?

Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Venue: Botafogo
Hosted by: Oxfam
Panellists: Emma Fulu (Equality Institute), Lori Michau (Raising Voices), Ruti Levrov (Promundo), and Oxfam

In an interactive session, Oxfam will bring together researchers, women’s rights activists and development practitioners with expertise on attitudes, norms and behaviours, to discuss tested approaches to address the root causes of VAWG, what positive social norm change means, and how it can be measured. Oxfam will also introduce its new guide on working on social norms and ending VAWG

Joint Learning Initiative (JLI) SGBV Hub

Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Venue: Botafogo
Hosted by: JLI SGBV Hub

Faith plays a powerful influence on the lives of communities including survivors.  Spiritual healing or well-being is a key aspect of the overall well-being of survivors as expressed by them so there is a real need to explore ways in which the global community explores, understands and works with faith in SGBV.  Efforts are needed to promote partnerships between faith groups and other key stakeholders including researchers to begin to explore the role of faith in SGBV prevention and response. As a process of bridging the gap between faith groups and other key stakeholders this session seeks to highlight the following: Share and discuss findings from Tearfund research on the role of faith in prevention and response to SGBV; Present an overview of evidence for faith groups’ activity and contribution to SGBV prevention and care, based on JLI SGBV Scoping Study; Understand the faith language, expressions and the real meaning of the same; Explore the mechanisms and approaches for developing good practice standards for faith response to SGBV; Identify key learning and tools to work with faith communities, and what additional tools are needed; and Launch the JLI SGBV Learning Hub.

Introducing the Prevention Collaborative

Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: Copacabana
Hosted by: Lori Heise, Johns Hopkins University and Amy Bank, Puntos de Encuentro  

The Prevention Collaborative is a new initiative that works to end violence against women by supporting programming in the Global South with technical and strategic assistance through an evidence informed, values-driven, feminist approach.   Please join this open session to learn more about the Prevention Collaborative, and how you can get involved.

Learn more about the Prevention Collaborative

Building quality health services for survivors of gender-based violence

Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: Leme
Hosted by: Myra Betron, Jhpiego

Jhpiego, in collaboration with various partners, including Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the School of Nursing, the World Health Organization, and PEPFAR have developed quality improvement and capacity-building tools for health workers to better serve gender-based violence survivors.  Applications in Mozambique, Rwanda and Nepal will be shared.

Addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy – Evidence based approach

Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: Ipanema
Hosted by: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Upala Devi, Gender Based Violence Advisor, Technical Division, UNFPA HQ and Neus Bernabeu, Gender Advisor, UNFPA LACRO

A significant portion of women who experienced violence prior to pregnancy continue to experience it throughout. For other women, pregnancy itself may be a stimulus for the onset of violence. UNFPA will present the latest evidence, as well as effective models for addressing IPV during pregnancy in low-resource settings.


Strengthening the GBV regional strategy in IPPF/WHR. Closed session for member associations of IPPF/WHR

Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Board room
Hosted by:  International Planned Parenthood Federation / Western Hemisphere Region

IPPF Member Associations are committed to provide high quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services. GBV services (GBV detection, counseling and internal/external referrals in clinical settings) is one of the eight essential services the Associations are already providing. During 2016 IPPF’s Member Association in the Americas and the Caribbean provided almost a million GBV services. However, we can do more and better for our clients. WHR regional office is taking advantage of the opportunity of the SVRI Forum 2017 to present and discuss some concrete tools to strengthening our common goals.

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children

Time: 15:30 – 18:30
Venue: Botafogo
Hosted by: Together for Girls and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children

INSPIRE is a new tool that promotes evidence-­‐based violence against children (VAC) prevention and response. In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, which targets to end all forms of VAC, this session will present the INSPIRE framework and identify strategies for translating research into programmatic action, and discuss existing inter-­‐agency and multi-­‐sectoral partnerships, tools and initiatives relating to the prevention of VAC.



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