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Welcome to SVRI Forum 2017

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative is proud to announce the 5th international conference, the SVRI Forum 2017.  Through this event, the SVRI brings together over 500 researchers, gender activists, funders, policy makers, service providers, practitioners and survivors from around the world who are working to understand, prevent and respond to sexual and intimate partner violence.
With the recent launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the 17 goals which the 193 UN member states have committed to achieving over the next 15 years – SVRI Forum 2017 is a timely space to discuss and share strategies for achieving SDG targets aimed at ending all forms of violence against women and girls.

SVRI Forum 2017 aims to be: - click to view
  • Dynamic: mixing oral presentations, special sessions, films, exhibitions and social activities to maximise interactions between participants, speakers and presenters.
  • Innovative: sharing of new, cutting edge research and interventions in the field and creative mechanisms for research communication/dissemination and uptake.
  • Capacity Building: building expertise in research methods and practice to develop a cadre of researchers doing excellent rigorous research and conversant with how to use evidence to influence policy and programme development.
  • Participative and Interactive: encouraging active participation throughout the Forum events and presentations, and fostering discussion, interaction and networking
  • Multigenerational: promoting participation from young to senior researchers. Speaker experience will be considered when developing conference sessions, aiming to ensure a mix of both new and emerging researchers with global experts.
  • Equitable: Promoting meaningful, real north-south; south-north, south-south, as well as researcher-activist and researcher-policy-maker partnerships.  Lead researchers are strongly encouraged to ensure meaningful participation of local partners in their Forum presentation and, where possible, jointly present findings.
  • Focused on low and middle-income countries:  Building evidence for improved responses and prevention efforts in low and middle-income countries is what SVRI is all about, and is a priority for all our events.
Key areas for discussion and debate at the SVRI Forum 2017 - click to view
  • What do we need to do to meet the SDGs? How should attainment be monitored? How do we scale up prevention?
  • How do we strengthen the evidence base on prevalence and drivers of sexual and intimate partner and other forms of violence against women and children and LGBTI groups?
  • How do we build better interventions using evidence to inform locally relevant prevention and response strategies?
  • Sharing of new and / or existing tools and methods including:
    • Measuring and monitoring of SGBV-related SDG targets and goals
    • Costing of interventions and the overall impact of SGBV
    • Scale-up
  • SGBV in conflict, post-conflict, humanitarian and high urban violence settings - planning, implementing, coordinating and monitoring essential actions to prevent and mitigate impacts of SGBV
  • Facilitating a feminist way forward for women and men to work together on violence against women
  • Interconnections and intersections between different forms of violence across the lifespan
  • Child participation in research on childhood violence and abuse
SVRI Forum 2017 themes - click to view
  • sexual violence;
  • intimate partner violence;
  • child abuse and neglect;
  • HIV and SGBV;
  • Feminist work with men and boys;
  • Femicide
  • (Commercial) Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSECA and SECA)
  • children and adolescents - violence prevention and response;
  • sexual trafficking;
  • sexual abuse and violence in institutional settings;
  • marginalized populations, including women with disabilities, LGBTI, sex workers, migrants, refugees; internally displaced populations, and indigenous populations
  • new forms of gender-based violence including cyber bullying, cyber stalking and secondary victimization;
  • impacts of violence against women and violence against children on mental health;
  • use of technology to prevent and respond to sexual and intimate partner violence and child abuse and exploitation.

Through these themes, the SVRI Forum 2017 aims to bring together a wide range of partners from low and middle income countries to share their experiences, knowledge and research findings on prevention and response to sexual and gender based violence.

The SVRI wishes to encourage and support quality research from new and emerging researchers in the field. This is done through the SVRI Forum prize-giving.

If you have any queries regarding the SVRI Forum 2017, please contact us at

For more information on previous SVRI Forums click here.

Join us in Cape Town, South Africa on 21 - 24 October 2019 for the SVRI Forum 2019!

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