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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Africa Regional Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Network

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Africa Regional Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Network

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

The Africa Regional SGBV Network addresses the needs of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) survivors, partnering with local networks and organisations to strengthen and inform response and prevention efforts and support evidence-based policy.

The Population Council-led Africa Regional SGBV Network works to build effective multi-sectoral responses to sexual and gender-based violence in low-resource settings, focusing on those who have experienced violence, as well as on violence prevention. This technical support network was initiated with support from the Regional Team for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights from the embassy of Sweden in Zambia, and has been supported over time by the Regional Team, Norad, PEPFAR, the MacArthur Foundation, and AmplifyChange.

The network has historically included service delivery partners in a range of countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. With technical support from the Population Council, these partners have simultaneously implemented interventions that sought to respond to and/or prevent sexual and gender-based violence in an integrated and comprehensive manner, and to strengthen national programs to better meet the medical, psychological, and justice needs of sexual and gender-based violence survivors. From 2018 to 2020, the network operated in eight countries in the East, Horn, and Great Lakes (EHAGL) region, namely, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. During this period, Africa Regional SGBV Network partners provided technical assistance to over 20 UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) partners across these countries to adapt the network’s tested models for implementation in refugee settings.

Lessons learned from all of the network’s experiences over time are documented, synthesised, and disseminated to offer an evidence base that is relevant for others seeking to introduce and strengthen programs in the region.

Please contact Chi-Chi Undie at if you would like to receive further information on the network’s activities.

Partners’ Meetings

Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2019, November 25). 2nd UNHCR-Population Council Joint Regional Workshop Sauti/VOICE Project [Workshop presentation].
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2019). Meeting Agenda: 2nd UNHCR-Population Council Joint Regional Workshop Sauti/VOICE Project. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Sauti/VOICE Project: 1st UNHCR-Population Council Joint Regional Workshop. (2019, March 4). [Workshop presentation]. 1st UNHCR-Population Council Joint Regional Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2019). Sauti/VOICE Project: 1st UNHCR-Population Council Joint Regional Workshop. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2013, December 4). Presentation: 2013 Meeting of the Africa Regional SGBV Network [Workshop presentation]. 2013 Meeting of the Africa Regional SGBV Network, Washington DC.
BMC Proceedings. (2013, December 4). Proceedings of the 1st Washington, DC Meeting of the Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Network, 2013.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2013). 2013 Meeting of the Africa Regional SGBV Network. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2012). Africa Regional SGBV Network Meeting Agenda. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Population Council, Kenya. (2012). Meeting report: The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Network Annual Partners Meeting June 26-27 2012, Mombasa, Kenya. Population Council.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (n.d.). Participants List. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Nicholson, F. (2012, June 26). The Zero-Tolerance Village Alliance (2010-2012) [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Henwood, C., & Mhlungu, L. (2012, June 26). Testing the feasibility and effectiveness of a comprehensive SGBV prevention project for in school girls in Swaziland [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Ajema, C., & Mukoma, W. (2012, June 26). Improving the Collection, Documentation, and Utilization of Medico-legal Evidence in Kenya [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Gawani, C. (2012, June 26). Testing the Feasibility of Police Provision of EC in Malawi [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Zama, M., Price, J., & Stephanie Topp. (2012, June 26). Assessing the feasibility of improving access to HIV PEP for SV survivors through Zambian Police Services [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Mak’anyengo, M., & Undie, C.-C. (2012, June 26). Routine Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Public Health Care Settings in Kenya [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Thompson, J. (2012, June 26). Rape Sentencing Study: Findings, Implications, and Way Forward [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Loots, L. (2012, June 26). National Rape Prevention Policies – A Regional Overview [Meeting presentation].
Mullick, S., & Plessis, L. D. (2012, June 26). Strengthening Comprehensive Post-Rape Care Services in South Africa - Lessons Learnt in Achieving Scale and Planning for Sustainability [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya.
Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2012). Africa Regional SGBV Network Meeting Agenda. Africa Regional SGBV Network.
Population Council Zambia. (2011). Meeting Report: Population Council Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Network, 7-9 February 2011, Chisamba, Zambia.
Chomba, E. (2011, February 7). Child Sexual Abuse in Zambia [Meeting presentation]. African Regional SGBV Network Partner’s Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Maternowska, C. (2011, February 7). Strategies for Addressing Child Sexual Violence across the Region [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Matinhure, S. (2011, February 7). East-Central and Southern African Health Commission Literature Review and Examination Protocol on Child Sexual Abuse [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Manzini-Henwood, C. (2011, February 7). Prevention Activities with Girls in Schools [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Davidian, A., & Chileshe, D. (2011, February 7). Safe spaces program in Zambia [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Wilson, K. (2011, February 7). Preventing SGBV in Latin America and the Caribbean [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Nare, P. (2011, February 7). Zero-tolerance Village Association [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Muhereza, A. (2011, February 7). Community Mobilization under the PEPFAR Special Initiative for SV [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Mbobi, L. (2011, February 7). Preventing GBV by working with men and boys [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Syengo, M. (2011, February 7). Men who have sex with men-sex workers and law enforcers in Mombasa: Is sexual and gender based violence an issue? [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Michau, L. (2011, February 7). Men and Monitoring: Critical Issues in VAW Prevention [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Botomani, G., & Milonde, H. (2011, February 7). Introducing the CMIC model into Malawi [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Ajema, C. (2011, February 7). Testing the feasibility of locally assembled kits for collection of forensic evidence [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Zama, M. (2011, February 7). Scaling-up the CMIC interventions [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Munalula, C., & Kanyengo, B. (2011, February 7). A Safer Zambia (ASAZA) [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Menziwa, M. (2011, February 7). TCC Model, South Africa [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Nakinsige, A. (2011, February 7). GBV Services in Mulango National Referral Hospital [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Meme, M. (2011, February 7). GBV Services in Kenya’s Provincial Hospitals [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Keesbury, J. (2011, February 7). Overview and context: Models of care [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Undie, C.-C. (2011, February 7). Screening for intimate partner violence [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Dartnall, E. (2011, February 7). Reducing vicarious trauma among researchers [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Makhosane, M. (2011, February 7). Srengthening multi-country collaboration through training [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
East Central and Southern African Health Community. (2011, February 7). Draft child sexual abuse in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
East Central and Southern African Health Community. (2011, February 7). Draft Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Child Sexual Abuse [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Thompson, J. (2011, February 7). A step-by-step guide to strengthening Sexual Violence Services [Meeting presentation]. Africa Regional SGBV Network Partners’ Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.


Undie, C., & Mak’anyengo, M. (2022). If we Ask, Will they Tell? (and Then, What?): Screening for Sexual Violence against Children in Kenya. Child Abuse Review, 31(1), 11–26.
Singh, N. S., Lokot, M., Undie, C.-C., Onyango, M. A., Morgan, R., Harmer, A., Freedman, J., & Heidari, S. (2021). Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach. The Lancet, 397(10274), 560–562.
Ministry of Health. (2021). Management of Intimate Partner Violence in Health Care Settings: A Training Manual for Health Care Providers. MoH: Division of Reproductive and Maternal Health.
Undie, C.-C., Haberland, N., Mathur, S., Vieitez, I., & Pulerwitz, J. (2020, December 1). Data collection and COVID-19: What’s gender got to do with it? Gender and Covid-19.
Undie, C.-C., Mathur, S., Haberland, N., Vieitez, I., & Pulerwitz, J. (2020, June 26). Opportunities for SGBV Data Collection in the Time of COVID-19: The Value of Implementation Science. SVRI Blog.
Gaitho, M., Kotut, R., Ngunjiri, A., Thiomi, J. T., Ngebeh, J., & Undie, C. (2020). Practice-based learning: Medico-legal evidence collection as part of post-rape care in refugee contexts (No. 6; The Sauti/VOICE Program Brief Series). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau, LVCT Health, and Population Council.
Undie, C., Ngebeh, J., Namwebya, J., Gaitho, M., Odwe, G., Chelwa, N., Birungi, H., & Mbizvo, M. (2020). Practice-based learning: Establishing simple monitoring systems to support SGBV programming in refugee settings (No. 7; The Sauti/VOICE Program Brief Series). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau and Population Council.
Mballa, C., Ngebeh, J., De Vriese, M., Drew, K., Parr, A., & Undie, C. (2020). Shughuli za UNHCR na Washirikiza Ulinzi kwa Jamii baina ya Sekta katika Maeneo ya Masharik na, Pembe ya Afrika na Maziwa Makuu. UNHCR na Baraza ya Idadi ya Watu.
Mballa, C., Ngebeh, J., De Vriese, M., Drew, K., Parr, A., & Undie, C. (2020). Pratiques du HCR et de ses partenaires en matière de protection communautaire dans les secteurs dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est, de la Corne de l’Afrique et des Grands Lacs. HCR et Population Council.
المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين ومجلس السكان. (2020). ممارسات المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين وشركائها المتعلقة بالحماية المرتكزة إلى المجتمع المحلي الشاملة لعدة قطاعات في شرق أفريقيا والقرن الأفريقي ومنطقة البحيرات الكبرى. تشارلز مبالا، جوزفين نجيبه، ماتشتيلت دي فريزي، كاتي درو، أبيجيل بار، تشي تشي أندي.
Mballa, C., Ngebeh, J., De Vriese, M., Drew, K., Parr, A., & Undie, C. (2020). UNHCR and partner practices of community-based protection across sectors in the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region. UNHCR and Population Council.
Undie, C., & Mak’anyengo, M. (2020). Asking and telling: An assessment of the feasibility of screening children for sexual violence in Kenyan school and health facility contexts. Nairobi: Population Council.
Byamukama, N., Undie, C., Asiimwe, S., Odwe, G., Chelwa, N., Birungi, H., & Mbizvo, M. (2019). Meeting report of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region’s regional training facility: Working with the police sector to meet the needs of sexual violence survivors in the Great Lakes Region. ICGLR-RTF and Population Council.
Ngebeh, J., Undie, C., & Karugaba, J. (2019). The Global Compact on Refugees: How the Sauti/VOICE project fits (The Sauti/VOICE Program Brief Series). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau and Population Council.
Undie, C., Ngebeh, J., Karugaba, J., Birungi, H., & Mbizvo, M. (2019). Practice-based learning: Integrating SGBV screening into health facilities in refugee contexts (The Sauti/VOICE Program Brief Series). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau and Population Council.
Undie, C., Ngebeh, J., Namwebya, J. H., & Karugaba, J. (2019). Practice-based learning: Observations on one-stop centers in refugee settings (No. 6; The Sauti/VOICE Program Brief Series). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau and Population Council.
Ngebeh, J., Undie, C., Karugaba, J., Odwe, G., Chelwa, N., Birungi, H., & Mbizvo, M. (n.d.). SAUTI/VOICE Project: First UNHCR-Population Council regional workshop (No. 1). UNHCR EHAGL Africa Bureau and Population Council.
Undie, C., Byamukama, N., Odwe, G., Chelwa, N., Birungi, H., & Mbizvo, M. (n.d.). Storytelling and policy change in Africa’s Great Lakes Region. ICGLR-RTF and Population Council.
Thompson, J., Undie, C.-C., Amin, A., Johnson, B. R., Khosla, R., Ouedraogo, L., Nkurunziza, T., Rich, S., Westley, E., Garcia, M., Birungi, H., & Askew, I. (2018). Harmonizing national abortion and pregnancy prevention laws and policies for sexual violence survivors with the Maputo Protocol: proceedings of a 2016 regional technical meeting in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Proceedings, 12(5), 5.
Odwe, G., Undie, C.-C., & Obare, F. (2018). Attitudes towards help-seeking for sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian settings: the case of Rwamwanja refugee settlement scheme in Uganda. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 18(1), 15.
Ajema, C., Undie, C., Mbugua, C., Kyongo, J., & Digolo, L. (2018). Health Sector Inadequacies in Attending to Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Kenya: An Operations Research. Child Abuse Review, 27(6), 475–485.
Nicholson, F., & Mukaro, T. (2018). The effectiveness of a model for addressing school-related gender-based violence in South Africa: An evaluation of the ‘Zero Tolerance School Alliance.’ TVEP.
Ajema, C., Mbugua, C., Memiah, P., Wood, C., Cook, C., Kotut, R., & Digolo, L. (2017). Addressing the dual health epidemics of HIV and sexual abuse among children and adolescents in Kenya: uptake of HIV counseling and post-exposure prophylaxis. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 9, 1–9.
Chelwa, N., Hemal, K., Phiri, G. M., Mbizvo, M. T., & Undie, C. (2017). Enhancing access to post-rape care for child survivors in the context of police and health services in Zambia: Report on a police response model tested in Zambia. Population Council.
Kiruki, M., Ajema, C., Undie, C., Kyongo, J., Owuor, K., Mbugua, C., Kotut, R., & Digolo, L. (2017). Enhancing access to post-rape care services for children in Kenya. LVCT Health.
Mirghani, Z., Karugaba, J., Martin-Archard, N., Undie, C., & Birungi, H. (2017). Community engagement in SGBV prevention and response: A compendium of interventions in the East & Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region. Nairobi: Population Council. Population Council.
Obare, F., Almeida, A., Odwe, G., Mwanga, J., Undie, C., Hiza, M., & Mwanga, F. (2017). Access to reproductive health and HIV services among young mothers in Tanzania. EngenderHealth, Population Council, and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
Undie, C., Khosla, R., & Blanchet, K. (2017). Improving family planning service delivery in humanitarian crises. World Health Organization.
Rich, S. (2016, June 9). Preventing pregnancy after sexual assault: Do women and girls have access to emergency contraception? International Consortium for Emergency Contraception.
The Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2016). Fostering a multisectoral response to violence against children in East and Southern Africa: Learning Updates from Kenya (Brief No. 4). Population Council.
The Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2016). Fostering a multisectoral response to violence against children in East and Southern Africa: Learning Updates from Kenya (Brief No. 2). Population Council.
Ajema, C., Ngunjiri, A., Ouko, J., Karuga, R., & Digolo, L. (2016). Health facility responsiveness to the needs of child survivors of sexual violence: Case study of Nyeri and Nakuru Counties, Kenya. LVCT Health.
Odiyo, O., Undie, C., & Mak’anyengo, M. (2016). Routine screening for intimate partner violence: A guide for trainers. ECSA Health Community, Population Council, and Kenyatta Hospital.
Undie, C., Birungi, H., Namwebya, J., Taye, W., Maate, L., Mak’anyengo, M., Katahoire, A., Kazungu, D. A., Kusasira, D., Mirghani, Z., & Karugaba, J. (2016). Screening for sexual and gender-based violence in emergency settings in Uganda: An assessment of feasibility. Population Council.
Undie, C., Birungi, H., Obare, F., Odwe, G., Namwebya, J., Orikushaba, P., Ayebale, P., Onen, W., Nicholson, F., Francis, R. C., Netshabako, P., Katahoire, A., Kazungu, D. A., Kusasira, D., Mirghani, Z., & Karugaba, J. (2016). Effectiveness of a community-based SGBV prevention model in emergency settings in Uganda: Testing the ‘Zero Tolerance Village Alliance’ intervention. Population Council.
The Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2016). Fostering a Multisectoral Response to Violence against Children in East and Southern Africa (Brief No. 1; Learning Updates from South Africa). The Africa Regional SGBV Network.
The Africa Regional SGBV Network. (2016). Fostering a multisectoral response to violence against children in East and Southern Africa: Learning Updates from Swaziland (Brief No. 3). Population Council.
Ajema, C., Mukoma, W., Kotut, R., & Mulwa, R. (2015). Documenting medico-legal evidence in Kenya: Potential strategies for improvement. BMC Proceedings, 9(Suppl 4), A2.
Undie, C.-C., Birungi, H., & Askew, I. (2015). “Changing the World”: The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Network. BMC Proceedings, 9(4), A1.
Zama, M. T., Dennis, M., Price, J., & Topp, S. (2015). Assessing the feasibility of police initiation of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis for sexual violence survivors in Lusaka, Zambia. BMC Proceedings, 9(S4), A3, 1753-6561-9-S4-A3.
Nicholson, F., & Carty, C. (2015). The “Zero Tolerance Village Alliance”: A promising intervention for addressing sexual and gender-based violence in rural communities. BMC Proceedings, 9(S4), A4, 1753-6561-9-S4-A4.
Undie, C.-C., Maternowska, M. C., Mak’anyengo, M., & Askew, I. (2016). Is Routine Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Feasible in Public Health Care Settings in Kenya? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(2), 282–301.
Thompson, J., Undie, C., & Askew, I. (2014). Access to emergency contraception and safe abortion services for survivors of rape and defilement in sub-Saharan Africa A regional overview. Population Council.
Undie, C.-C. (2013). Toward a research agenda on gendered violence in sub-Saharan Africa. Ethnicity & Health, 18(5), 449–453.
Ajema, C., Mukoma, W., Mugyenyi, C., Meme, M., Kotut, R., & Mulwa, R. (2013). Improving the collection, documentation and utilization of medico-legal evidence in Kenya: Research brief. LVCT Health.
ECSA-HC, Population Council. (2013). Scaling up advocacy for gender based violence and child sexual abuse in the East Central and Southern Africa Health region.
Undie, C., Maternowska, M. C., Mak’anyengo, M., & Askew, I. (2013). Feasibility of routine screening for intimate partner violence in public health care settings in Kenya. Population Council.
Undie, C., Mullick, S., & Askew, I. (2013). The missing ‘C’: Sexual violence against children in sub-Saharan Africa. Research Watch, UNICEF.
Undie, C. (2013). Why we need to think about sexuality and sexual Well-being: Addressing sexual violence in sub-Saharan Africa. In Women, sexuality and the political power of pleasure. Zed Books.
Zama, M., Price, J., Topp, S., & Keesbury, J. (n.d.). Mitigating the consequences of sexual violence in Zambia by decentralizing emergency medical responses to Police Victim Support Units. Report on the feasibility of police provision of PEP for HIV in Zambia. Population Council.
C Ajema, W Mukoma, C Mugyenyi, M Meme, R Kotut, & R Mulwa. (2013). Improving the collection, documentation and utilization of medico-legal evidence in Kenya: Research brief. LVCT Health.
Undie, C. (2012, December 12). Why we don’t screen for intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa … and why we must. Rewire News Group.
Njuki, R., Okal, J., Warren, C. E., Obare, F., Abuya, T., Kanya, L., Undie, C.-C., Bellows, B., & Askew, I. (2012). Exploring the effectiveness of the output-based aid voucher program to increase uptake of gender-based violence recovery services in Kenya: A qualitative evaluation. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 426.
Undie, C., Maternowska, C., Mak’anyengo, M., Keesbury, J., & Askew, I. (2012). Routine screening for IPV in public health care settings in Kenya. An assessment of acceptability. APHIA II OR Project in Kenya/ Population Council.
Population Council, Kenya. (2012). Meeting report: The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Network Annual Partners Meeting June 26-27 2012, Mombasa, Kenya. Population Council.
Carty, C., & Nicholson, F. (2012). The Zero Tolerance Village Alliance Intervention Model. Evaluation and report 2010 - 2012. TVEP.
ECSA Health Community. (2012). Special edition of the ECSA Bulletin on sexual and gender-based violence.
Keesbury, J., Onyango-Ouma, W., Undie, C., Maternowska, C., Mugisha, F., Kageha, E., & Askew, I. (2012). A review and evaluation of multi-sectoral response centers (‘one-stop centers’) for gender-based violence in Kenya and Zambia.
MHRRC, MPS, MOH. (2012). Testing the feasibility of police provision of emergency contraception in Malawi. MHRRC.
Thompson, J., & Nkweto Simmonds, F. (2012). A review of statutory sentencing provisions for rape defilement and sexual assault in East Central and Southern Africa. Population Council.
LVCT, WHO, & SVRI. (n.d.). Strengthening GBV and HIV response in sub Saharan Africa. LVCT Health.
Raifman, S., Askew, I., Amin, S., Keesbury, J., Mullick, S., Diers, J. A., Budiharsana, M. P., Undie, C.-C., Zama, M., Menziwa, M., Hutchinson, S., & Rutenberg, N. (2011). The prevention and management of HIV and sexual and gender-based violence: Responding to the needs of survivors and those-at-risk.
Population Council. (2011). Comprehensive responses to sexual violence in East and Southern Africa. Lessons learned from implementation. Population Council.
Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Program. (2011). No Excuse for Abuse: A History of the Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Program. Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Program.
Keesbury, J., & Askew, I. (2010). Comprehensive Responses to Gender Based Violence in Low-Resource Settings: Lessons Learned from Implementation. Population Council.
Keesbury, J., & Thompson, J. (2010). A step-by-step guide to strengthening sexual violence services in public health facilities: Lessons and tools from sexual violence services in Africa. Population Council.
Elson, L., & Keesbury, J. (2010). PEPFAR Special Initiative on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Baseline Report. Population Council.
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