We’re a global Community of Practice for collaboration, research, and advocacy to prevent and better respond to Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence
Up to 58% of women are affected by Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (UN Women).
Our community is diverse including stakeholders from the research, practice, funding, tech, academic, and NGO and government sectors and from multiple regions and backgrounds, committed to better understanding and addressing the fast-evolving and increasing challenges presented by Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence.

In 2023, SVRI launched the TFGBV COP to complement and support the development of research priorities, an 18-month initiative, led by SVRI in collaboration with the Association for Progressive Communications, UN Women, and the Global Partnership to End Online Abuse and Harassment. The result was the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda – a set of research questions identified as priorities by the field through a transparent, methodologically sound, comprehensive, and inclusive process. Through the agenda, we are excited to help the field align on best practices, opportunities, and advocacy around the five key domains:
Nature, Prevalence and Impact
Measures and Methodologies

Knowledge Exchange
Host quarterly events to share ideas and findings & maintain shared resources.
Coordinate Impact
Proactively support members engaged in advocacy related to TFGBV research, funding & practice
Build Networks & Opportunities
Facilitate connections across members that spark opportunities or amplify each other’s voice & work.
Summary of research on TFGBV measurement and methodology, prevalence, trends, or subtopics.
Summary of tested or ongoing interventions.
Crowdsourced list of upcoming events relevant to the TFGBV field.
TFGBV is any act that is committed, assisted, aggravated, or amplified by the use of information and communication technology or other digital tools, that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological, social, political, or economic harm, or other infringements of rights and freedoms.
(UN Women, 2023, Technology Facilitated Violence against Women – Report of the Foundational Meeting of the Expert Group).