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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Collaborative Evidence Building for Impact at Scale: Testing New Approaches

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Collaborative Evidence Building for Impact at Scale: Testing New Approaches

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

In 2024 we are implementing a new project, Collaborative Evidence Building for Impact at Scale: From local to global, supported by Co-Impact. This two-year (January 2024-December 2025) project leverages SVRI’s experience in building evidence for programming at the country level.

The project will be implemented, at first, in Sri Lanka, where SVRI is piloting a new method of grant making. In a departure from our customary open calls for proposals, we will be working alongside a multi-sectoral local consortium to co-develop the research focus area and related proposal. SVRI will facilitate the building of a consortium that will design, implement, analyse, and disseminate research to initiate an evidence-based implementation of approaches that work to prevent VAW and unpack scale processes, and implementation learnings that are suitable to their context and project needs. Through an approach that models feminist grant making, supportive and equitable partnerships, and extensive capacity strengthening we hope to synthesize practice and research-based learnings about how to build and share evidence on effective approaches to scale violence prevention programming with country level stakeholders and partners.

Inception Phase: Year One- 2023

As part of the inception phase of this project we have been exploring new approaches that will inform our future work. Four key aspects of this are:

  1. Strengthening feminist grant making: ‘How do we ensure a truly feminist approach to grant making in our own grant making efforts?’ This has involved exploring and documenting how to strengthen and improve the grant making process for the SVRI team, the reviewers, and applicants for the SVRI grant with specific attention to application and selection processes.
  2. Exploring a feminist monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) framework: We are exploring how to use a feminist MEL framework to measure change and impact at community, organisational and systemic levels. The developed framework will inform our general SVRI grant making programme and act as a base for the Co-Impact Consortium who will define their country-level project-specific MEL framework, guided by their own theory of change, outcomes, change pathways, resources, and data collection methods that make sense for their focus and setting.
  3. Comprehensive Capacity Strengthening Strategy: We have developed a detailed strategy that envisages wraparound bespoke capacity strengthening and support through various engagements, activities, and resources with multi-sectoral grantee teams. For the Co-Impact pilot project, we will be working in Sri Lanka, but we hope to foster a regional cohort of researchers to strengthen or make new connections within their country, region, and globally with a variety of stakeholders who are key to addressing VAW and VAC. Further, we plan to nurture the cohort to grow into a country-level network that will support ongoing exchange and collaboration in building priority evidence and influencing policy and practice.
  4. Learning from equitable, localised consortium building: We will be examining how we plan and implement ethical and equitable consortium building and co-production of a research proposal with the aim of deeply supporting evidence-building for scaling evidence-based, innovative primary prevention initiatives in a selected country.

Watch This Space!

We will be documenting and disseminating the lessons learned from Collaborative Evidence Building for Impact at Scale guided by a feminist monitoring, evaluation and learning agenda. We will disseminate through blogs, webinars, panels, and at a range of meetings with diverse partners and stakeholders!

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