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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Primary Prevention Project

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Primary Prevention Project

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

The SVRI with funding from the Oak Foundation, implemented the Primary Prevention Project (2013-2015) through which we partnered with researchers and practitioners in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya to develop, adapt and test parenting- and school- based intimate partner violence prevention intervention programmes.

The Primary Prevention Project supported four teams to develop, adapt and test interventions that could be applied in parenting groups and school-based setting, and which were aimed at the primary prevention of intimate partner violence. Four research teams worked in three East African countries: Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya.

In Uganda the research study looked at the development and piloting of a community-based parenting programme that would: facilitate secure attachment and encourage parental bonding and connectedness with children; discourage authoritarian and harsh parenting and parental conflict, including violence between parents; encourage positive parental engagement with schooling; and discourage inequitable gender roles and norms. This intervention grew into the Parenting for Respectability Programme.

In Tanzania, the study conducted research on gender-based violence in schools and current parenting practices in Dar es Salaam. This informed the development of a school-based intervention that focused on sensitising parents to positive parenting approaches, and training teachers and parents on positive disciplining strategies and prevention of gender-based violence.

Two studies were completed in Kenya: one looked at the forms, risks and protective factors for child abuse in schools, and the other explored drivers of sexual violence and other violence in youth dating. Both studies included assessments of and engagement with schools, together with teachers, parents and community members, and utilised individual sessions and focus groups with youth. These studies also developed important baseline data for future research and targeted key drivers of sexual violence such as gender inequality and oppressive gender norms.

Project Partners

  • Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC) School of Medicine, Makerere University College of Health Science
  • MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS (now part of the part of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
  • Child Aid Organisation Kenya (CAOK)
  • Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment (GEE), Kenyatta University
  • University of Hawaii System
  • International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) Kenya
  • Coexist Initiative
  • LVCT Health
  • SOWED Kenya
  • Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
  • Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF)

Project Video

Siu, G., Nsubuga, R. N., Lachman, J. M., Namutebi, C., Sekiwunga, R., Zalwango, F., Riddell, J., & Wight, D. (2024). The impact of the parenting for respectability programme on violent parenting and intimate partner relationships in Uganda: A pre-post study. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0299927.
Child Health and Development Centre, University of Makerere. (2023). Ugandan Parenting for Respectability implementation science evaluation: Cluster randomised controlled trial of a parenting programme to reduce violence against children and gender based violence in Uganda.
Siu, G., & Namutebi, C. (2019, December 9). The need to humanize the numbers. SVRI Blog.
Namutebi, C., & Siu, G. (2019). Parenting for Respectability: Children’s experiences of, and perspectives on, their relationship with their parents: a qualitative study in Wakiso District, Central Uganda [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Godfrey, S., Wight, D., Namutebi, C., Zalwango, F., Seeley, J., Sekiwunga, R., Nsubuga, R., & Lachma, J. (2019). Outcomes from a parenting programme for early prevention of violence against children gender and based violence in Uganda Parenting for Respectability: prepost study [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Namutebi, C., Siu, G., & Wight, D. (2018, December 7). “A hug for the first time in fifteen years”: the impact of a parenting programme for the early prevention of both spousal violence and violence against children in Uganda. SVRI.
Dartnall, E., & Gevers, A. (2017). Harnessing the power of South-South partnerships to build capacity for the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence. African Safety Promotion Journal, 15(1).
Siu, G. E., Wight, D., Seeley, J., Namutebi, C., Sekiwunga, R., Zalwango, F., & Kasule, S. (2017). Men’s Involvement in a Parenting Programme to Reduce Child Maltreatment and Gender-Based Violence: Formative Evaluation in Uganda. The European Journal of Development Research, 29(5), 1017–1037.
Ajema, C., Digolo, L., Muraya, K., & Kiruki, M. (2016, June 29). Shule Salama: Using research to develop and pilot test a school based child abuse primary prevention intervention in Kenya.
SVRI. (2015, November 2). SVRI Primary Prevention Project - East Africa [Video recording].
Dartnall, E., & Gevers, A. (2015). Building capacity for SIPV primary prevention research and intervention development in Sub-Saharan Africa - Lessons Learned [Briefing paper]. SVRI.
Kajula, L., Likindikoki, S., Mbwambo, J., John, E., Ester, S., & Kaaya, S. (2015). Experiences of GBV for learners in Tanzanian Schools [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Tom Omwenga, Mwaura, P., Tarus, M., Mwaura, P., & Plummer, C. (2015). Developing /adapting a school–based primary prevention intervention in Nairobi, Kenya: Findings of a formative research [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Ajema, C., Muraya, K., Mukoma, W., Digolo, L., & Kiruki, M. (2015). Safe Schools: Evidence to inform a holistic primary prevention intervention in Kenya. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Dartnall, E., & Gevers, A. (2015). Lessons learned: Building capacity for SIPV primary prevention research and intervention development in East Africa. SVRI Forum, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
LVCT Health, & SOWED Kenya. (2015). An exploratory study on the risk factors to child abuse in primary schools in Kajiado County-Kenya. Findings of a formative research. SVRI, SAMRC.
Wight, D., Siu, G., Zalwango, F., Kasule, S., & Seeley, J. (2015). The design and formative evaluation of a parenting programme in Uganda for early prevention of gender based violence.
Tom, O., Carol, P., & Philomena, M. (2014). Developing & adapting a school-based sexual and dating violence prevention intervention in Nairobi in Kenya. Formative Research Report. Child Aid Organization.
Kaaya, S., Likindikoki, S., Kajula, L., Mbwambo, J., Steven, E., John, E., & Kulaya, A. (2014). Formative assessment on primary prevention of school GBV and parenting interventions in Tanzania. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Health Sciences & Women in Law and Development in Africa.
SVRI Workshop: Building the evidence base in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. 8-12th April 2013, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (2013). SVRI.
Kazemi, M., Siu, G., Wight, D., Namutebi, C., Sekiwunga, R., & Seeley, J. (n.d). Motivations and challenges for the local facilitators implementing a parenting programme for early prevention of gender based violence in Wakiso District, Uganda [Poster presentation].
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