The SVRI Update, our weekly newsletter, is a curated global round-up of journal articles, podcasts, webinars, news, grant and funding opportunties, vacancies and events related to violence against women, violence against children, and other forms of violence stemming from gender inequality.
The SVRI Update goes out weekly on a Thursday, reaching over 11,500 people around the world. Please share your resources, information requests, events and other items you think will be of interest to our members for inclusion in the Update. To have your request included, the SVRI needs to receive the request by Wednesday.
Please write to us at for a link to OneDrive
The SVRI Update is truly serving the field – it is equitable and comprehensive – SVRI Review: KII
The SVRI Update, “… is particularly important for people working in remote settings, isolated from what is going on globally” – SVRI Review, KII