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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

JLI and SVRI Faith and GBV Hub

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

JLI and SVRI Faith and GBV Hub

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

The JLI/SVRI Faith and GBV Hub is a platform for faith actors and others to engage with a wide range of research and perspectives, and build new collaborations and connections linking religious literacy and freedom of religion or belief with gender equality.

The Joint Learning Initiative (JLI) on Faith & Local Communities and the SVRI have combined efforts in a new iteration of the JLI Gender-Based Violence Hub that was established in 2014, and which is now known as the JLI/SVRI Faith and GBV Hub. The secretariat of this Hub has moved to the SVRI as a joint evidence and knowledge platform focusing on faith and GBV.

The Faith and GBV Hub provides an opportunity for advocacy through a platform where participants can share research findings and strengthen the capacity of those working in the field of faith and gender-based violence. Partners include academics, practitioners and activists, development and intergovernmental actors, and religious organisations.

The objectives of the Hub are to:

  • Strengthen evidence for faith-based practices to prevent gender-based violence;
  • Advance local research capacity by supporting researchers from low- and middle-income countries to lead research on faith, faith-based approaches and gender-based violence in those countries;
  • Share findings with those in power who can use it to increase and improve collaborations between the two for scale and effectiveness in preventing gender-based violence;
  • Maximise the use of research to influence policy and practice to raise awareness with donors and decision-makers and increase support for research and innovation in these areas led by teams in low- and middle-income countries.
The Hub is currently dormant, please email if you would like to discuss funding the reactivation of this very important Hub.

Leadership Council

The Faith and GBV Hub Leadership Council was established in 2021. Leadership Council members serve in their individual capacity and help to ensure that, through this Hub, the SVRI continues to advance research on faith responses for the prevention and response to violence against women and violence against children in low and middle-income countries.


Alshawkani, R. (2019, October 18). Feminism, Religion and Interreligious Dialogue Webinar October 15, 2019. JLI.
le Roux, E. (2019). Religion, development and GBV: Recommendations for a strategic research agenda for the PaRD Gender Equality and Empowerment work-stream [Research report]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
Nam, S. (2018, February 8). JLI GBV Hub Webinar- effectively working with faith leaders. JLI.
Bartelink, B. E., & le Roux, E. (2017). Case study with World Vision International as part of the UK Government-funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
Bartelink, B. E., le Roux, E., & Levinga, W. (2017). Harmful traditional practices in the context of faith: a literature review. Part of the UK Government-funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
Bartelink, B. E., le Roux, E., & Levinga, W. (2017). Bibliography for harmful traditional practices and religion- 2017. Part of the UK Government-funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’. [Bibliography]. Tearfund.
Bartelink, B., le Roux, E., & Levinga, W. (2017). Case study with ABAAD as part of the UK Government-funded: ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report.]. Tearfund.
Bartelink, B., le Roux, E., & Palm, S. (2017). Sleeping giants: Mobilising faith leaders as agents of change [Research report]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
le Roux, E. L., & Bartelink, B. E. (2017). No more ‘harmful traditional practices’: Working effectively with faith leaders [Research report]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities and TearFund.
le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B. (2017). Case study with Tearfund as part of the UK Government-funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B. (2017). Case study with Islamic Relief Worldwide as part of the UK-Aid funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
le Roux, E., Kramm, N., & Bartelink, B. (2017). Online Survey Report as part of the UK Government-funded: ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
le Roux, E., Bartelink, B., & Palm, S. (2017). What is the harm in ‘harmful traditional traditional practices? [Policy brief]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities and TearFund.
Palm, S., le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B. E. (2017). Case study with Christian Aid. Part of the UK-Aid-funded ‘Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices’ [Research report]. Tearfund.
Palm, S., le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B. (2017). Amplifying development partnering with faith. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
Stawski, H., O’Sullivan, V., Dartnall, E., el Feki, S., Arango, D., & Karam, A. (2016). Faith communities are key actors in empowering and protecting girls and addressing gender-based violence [Research report]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
le Roux, E. (2015). The role of faith communities and organisations in prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence: Implications for policy and practice [Policy brief]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
le Roux, E. (2015). A scoping study on the role of faith communities and organisations in prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence: Implications for policy and practice [Research report]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
Launch of the JLI/SVRI Faith and GBV Hub | Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
What’s in a name? The new JLI/SVRI Faith, Spirituality, Religion and Gender-based Violence Hub - Promoting Decolonial Knowledge | Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
Gender-based Violence Learning Hub. (n.d.). JLI. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from
Gender-based Violence State of Evidence Talking points & powerpoint. (n.d.). JLI. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
GBV AoR CoP: Exploring Faith and Spirituality with GBV response. (n.d.). [Video recording]. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
JLI/SVRI Faith and GBV Hub Webinar co-hosted by OHCHR, UNFPA and UNWOMEN. (n.d.). [Video recording]. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
JLI GBV Hub Webinar- Gender Justice. (n.d.). [Video recording]. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
Religion, Gender and GBV: Recommendations for a Strategic Research Agenda. (n.d.). JLI. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from
Istratii, R., Ali, P., & Feder, G. (2024). Integration of religious beliefs and faith-based resources in domestic violence services to migrant and ethnic minority communities: A scoping review. Violence: An International Journal, 26330024241246810.
Dev, G. C. for C. & H. (2021, June 23). Peaceful Couples, Families and Communities- Results of a Faith-Based Norms-Shifting Intervention in Nigeria [Video recording].
Le Roux, E., Corboz, J., Scott, N., Sandilands, M., Lele, U. B., Bezzolato, E., & Jewkes, R. (2020). Engaging with faith groups to prevent VAWG in conflict-affected communities: results from two community surveys in the DRC. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 20(1), 27.
Hester, T., Kong, S., & Miles, G. (2020). Barriers to Sexually Exploited Cambodian Women Integrating into Churches: Perspectives of Sexually Exploited Women and the Christian Community. Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence, 5(1).
Annan, J., Boyer, C., Cooper, J., Heise, L., Namubiru, J., Levy Paluck, B., & Nevatia, T. (2019, October). Religious counsel can motivate men to cede power voluntarily [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Chipanta, N. S., Quirke, F., Shaw, B., McLarnon-Silk, C., Davin, C., Saman, A., Vandu, D., & Deepan, P. (2019, October). Addressing norms around intimate partner and religious violence and social cohesion: Adapting a faith-based intervention to Nigeria [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Iphani, S., Agado, A., & Magwera, W. (2019, October). What works for whom? Using evidence to move from feminist blind to feminist-informed programming to address root causes of violence against women and girls in Malawi [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Lele, U. B., & Bezzolato, E. (2019, October). Faith based approach to address harmful social norms: Impact and lessons from the DRC [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Nkusi, S., Mbonibaga, S., & Uwezo, L. (2019, October). Sante Plus intervention: Faith based responses to female genital mutilation or cutting in Kayes, Mali [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Pertek, S. (2019, October). Do you have faith? Religion in experiences of intersectional violence against refugee and migrant women [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Rebecka Lundgren, Bryan Shaw, Gibson, L., Dagadu, N., & Quirke, F. (2019, October). Embedded ethnographers: Unpacking the black box of program implementation [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Shaw, B., Costenbader, E., Lundgren, R., McLarnon-Silk, C., Deepan, D., & Quirke, F. (2019, October). Masculinite­­, Famille et foi intervention in Kinshasa, Democratic republic of Congo: How faith leaders & communities can transform social norms for better health [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Siu-Maliko, M. A., Boodoosingh, R., Beres, M. A., & Tombs, D. (2019, October). Rolling out the fine mat of scripture: Strengthening church responses to violence against women in Samoa [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Sandilands, M., le Roux, E., Jewkes, R., Baghuma Lele, U., & Scott, N. (2019, September). Faith engagement as a factor in women’s empowerment and IPV: findings from a quantitative household survey in Ituri Province, DRC [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Roux, E. L. (2019). Can Religious Women Choose? Holding the Tension between Complicity and Agency. African Journal of Gender and Religion, 25(1).
Choi, Y. J., Orpinas, P., Kim, I., & Ko, K. S. (2019). Korean clergy for healthy families: online intervention for preventing intimate partner violence. Global Health Promotion, 26(4), 25–32.
USAID. (2019). Faith-based and community engagement impact stories: Part II [Case study]. USAID.
Peterman, A., Palermo, T. M., & Ferrari, G. (2018). Still a leap of faith: microfinance initiatives for reduction of violence against women and children in low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health, 3(6), e001143.
Eisenbruch, M. (2018). The Cultural Epigenesis of Gender-Based Violence in Cambodia: Local and Buddhist Perspectives. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 42(2), 315–349.
Cadavid, L., le Roux, E., Rojas-Flores, L., & Monsalve, C. (2017, September). The perspectives and experiences of sexual violence of internally displaced people in Colombian faith communities [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Cuervo Fernández, I. N., Pineda, A., Cadavid, L., le Roux, E., & Rojas-Flores, L. (2017, September). Faith and responses to sexual violence in displacement: understanding the needs and experiences of Colombian faith leaders [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
El-Zanaty, F., Fahmy, A., & El Feki, S. (2017, September). Cutting-edge research: evidence to support engaging men in ending FGM in Egypt [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Hall, E. (2017, September). Combating stigma against rape survivors and children born of rape in armed conflict: the role of faith leaders and youth [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Laursen Muth, K. (2017, September). Coercion, conflation, compassion: can faith leaders prevent violence against women and girls [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B. (2017, September). Exploring the nexus between harmful traditional practices, sexual and gender-based violence and religion: working effectively with faith leaders [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Le Roux, E., & Olivier, J. (2017, September). Critiquing gender-based violence intervention models using a ‘cascade approach’ to changing (faith) community beliefs and behaviours [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Nkusi, S., & Diallo, A. (2017, September). Tradition or religion- a potent mix [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
O’Sullivan, V. (2017, September). Their priority, our challenge: qualitative research on survivor perspectives across nine countries [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Quirke, F., Deepan, P., Shand, T., & McLarnon-Silk, C. (2017, September). Masculinité, famille et foi intervention - Passages project [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Tombs, D. (2017, September). Listening to male survivors of church sexual abuse: voices from survivors of Sodalicio abuses in Peru [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Deepan, P. (2017). Transformer les masculinites: Manuel de formation pour les champions de genre. TearfundTearfund.
Deepan, P. (2017). Transforming masculinities: A training manual for Gender Champions [Manual]. Tearfund.
Sandilands, M., Jewkes, R., Baghuma Lele, U., & Scott, N. (2017). Does faith matter? Faith engagement, gender norms and violence against women and girls in conflict-affected communities: Baseline research in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Tearfund.
Sandilands, M., Jewkes, R., Baghuma Lele, U., & Scott, N. (2017). Violence against women and girls - Does faith matter? [Policy brief]. Tearfund.
Tearfund. (2017). Are we listening to survivors? A qualitative research summary. Tearfund.
le Roux, E., Kramm, N., Scott, N., Sandilands, M., Loots, L., Olivier, J., Arango, D., & O’Sullivan, V. (2016). Getting dirty: Working with Faith Leaders to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 14(3), 22–35.
Li, E., Freedman, L. R., Fernandez y Garcia, E., & Miller, E. (2016). Exploring the Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Addressing Adolescent Relationship Abuse. Violence Against Women, 22(5), 609–624.
Deepan, P. (2016). Dialogues communautaires: Promouvoir des relations respectueuses et des communautés équitables [Manual]. Tearfund.
Deepan, P. (2016). Community dialogues: Promoting respectful relationships and equitable communities. Tearfund.
Duff, J. F., & Buckingham, W. W. (2015). Strengthening of partnerships between the public sector and faith-based groups. The Lancet, 386(10005), 1786–1794.
Tomkins, A., Duff, J., Fitzgibbon, A., Karam, A., Mills, E. J., Munnings, K., Smith, S., Seshadri, S. R., Steinberg, A., Vitillo, R., & Yugi, P. (2015). Controversies in faith and health care. The Lancet, 386(10005), 1776–1785.
Deepan, P. (2015, September). Transforming masculinities: An evidence-based approach to work with faith communities on gender and masculinities [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
le Roux, E. (2015, September). Scoping study on the role of faith communities in prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence: Implications for policy and practice [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
le Roux, E., Lele, U., & Sandilands, M. (2015, September). Engaging with faith groups to prevent violence against women and girls in conflict-affected communities: A three-year tracking of 15 communities in the Orientale Province, DRC (initial findings) [Conference presentation]. SVRI Forum 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Magner, K., Desrosiers, J. E., Blunt, I., Hawken, T., & Brick, E. (2015). The role of faith-based organisations in preventing and responding to sexual, intimate partner and gender-based violence in conflict settings: A modified critical interpretive synthesis. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
Levin, J. (2014). Faith-Based Partnerships for Population Health: Challenges, Initiatives, and Prospects. Public Health Reports, 129(2), 127–131.
Kaybryn, J., & Nidadavolu, V. (2012). A mapping of faith-based responses to violence against women and girls in the Asia-Pacific Region [Research report]. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office.
United Nations Children’s Fund. (2012). Partnering with religious communities for children [Research report]. United Nations Children’s Fund.
Foco, R. (2011). The role of faith leaders in partnerships among health promotion researchers and faith communities promotion researchers and faith communities [Doctor of Philosophy, Virginia Commonwealth University].


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