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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Values, Principles and Code of Conduct

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Values, Principles and Code of Conduct

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Our Vision

We envision a world where women and children in all their diversity live free from violence.

Our Mission

Our mission is to catalyse a high-impact, collaborative, and nurturing field to advance research on violence against women and violence against children.

SVRI Principles


SVRI fosters partnerships and cooperation across diverse fields, disciplines, and geographies to enhance collective impact and shared learning.


SVRI promotes feminist principles by challenging power imbalances. We acknowledge the impact of trauma on survivors/victims, researchers of violence, and our communities.


We strive to redress the imbalance of research resources and power between high-, middle-, and low-income countries and amplify diverse voices from LMICs, including researchers, survivors/victims, and populations at greater risk of violence.


SVRI holds itself accountable to survivors, its members, LMIC researchers, and those impacted the most by inequalities in research.


SVRI ensures all its activities and the activities of its grantees follow the highest ethical and safety standards.


SVRI recognises and aims to address the interconnected nature of social marginalisation and oppression based on ethnicity, race, class, disability, age, and other categories as well as gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

Our Code of Conduct

The SVRI’s Code of Conduct outlines standards of behaviour and practice for all SVRI staff, Board members, Leadership Council members, consultants, volunteers, partners, grant recipients and SVRI membership (from here on referred to as “stakeholders”) to ensure together we:

  • Promote and work to deliver on the SVRI’s vision and mission and do so in accordance with the SVRI’s principles;
  • Maintain the highest standards of ethics, governance, integrity, and accountability;
  • Create a feminist network that embraces learning, promotes gender equity, partnership, diversity and kindness and fosters trust; and,
  • Provide assurance that the SVRI is ethical, reliable, transparent, and accountable in all that we do.

SVRI stakeholders commit to:

  • Respecting and promoting human rights in accordance with international human rights conventions and humanitarian law, especially related to women’s rights, child rights, gender equity and social justice.
  • Ensuring safeguards and measures are in place to prevent exploitation, harassment, bullying and abuse from taking place within the organisation and within the research and other projects we support; and where such problems have occurred, to respond in an ethical and accountable way.
  • Respecting that every human being has unique value and potential, and not discriminating based on origin, ethnicity, culture, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, values, beliefs, politics, religion, race, socio-economic status, health status, educational status, nor any other factors.
  • Supporting and empowering peers with knowledge and skills, and openness to learn from others.
  • Safeguarding children and young people against all forms of violence including physical and humiliating punishments in all settings.
  • Being responsive and accountable to the needs of the individuals and communities we work with across the globe especially those who are vulnerable and affected by marginalisation and exclusion.
  • Acting in a manner that will not bring the reputation of the SVRI into disrepute or otherwise jeopardise our standing.
  • Always acting with integrity and holding one another accountable.
  • Putting kindness and empathy at the heart of all we do.
  • Promoting a sense of belonging, purpose, and connection within our network.
  • Engaging in self-reflection about power, internalised oppression, unconscious biases, and other dimensions of personal growth, and to cultivate self and collective care and healing.

Stakeholders commit to supporting and undertaking research and practice that:

  • Applies feminist and trauma-informed principles and partnerships.
  • Adheres to international safety and ethical guidelines.
  • Strives for innovation in ideas, methodologies and partnerships, while building on evidence.
  • Endeavours to be collaborative, cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary.
  • Promotes equitable participation, empowers, and amplifies diverse voices from low- and middle-income countries (researchers, practitioners, survivors, marginalised groups) to the field.
  • Challenges the gender and power hierarchy, as well as other social hierarchies fueling violence against women and violence against children to promote gender equity and an end to violence.
  • Strives to inform policy, programmes, services, and future research, and serves to strengthen access to comprehensive care and support for survivors as well as prevent violence against children and violence against women.

SVRI stakeholders commit to the following approaches to our work:

Continuous monitoring, evaluation, and learning

  • We outline clear strategic goals for our work.
  • We analyse and understand the contexts in which we work.
  • We invest in quality assessment and evaluation of our work.
  • We reflect on, share, and apply results and lessons with stakeholders.

Feminist and trauma-informed partnerships

  • We consider the circumstances and concerns of the partners and stakeholders when making decisions that affect them.
  • We respect and understand those with whom we collaborate.
  • We have a shared understanding of respective contributions, expectations, responsibilities and accountabilities of all parties.
  • We invest in the effectiveness of our collaborations and partnerships.
  • We work with organisations that adhere to similar principles and values as the SVRI.
  • We build equitable, feminist partnerships.
  • We embrace diversity and intersectionality.
  • We commit to being courageous and bringing people together both to celebrate and amplify the work and, when needed, to have hard conversations with open hearts and integrity.

Clear, effective communication

  • We are truthful and transparent in our communications.
  • We collect and use information ethically and transparently, ensuring informed consent and the right to revoke consent.

The SVRI commits to ensuring trustworthy governance and adequate resource management for our work:

  • We act in accordance with the SVRI as a not-for-profit and formed for a defined public benefit.
  • We meet our legal and compliance obligations.
  • We are accountable to our stakeholders.
  • We openly and timeously disclose any conflict of interest where our various personal, professional, or political roles or associations are incompatible with the interests and values of the SVRI.
  • We have responsible and independent governance mechanisms and are accountable to these.
  • We source our resources ethically.
  • We ensure that funds and resources entrusted to us are properly controlled and managed.
  • We ensure that we have the human resource capacity and capability to deliver our work.
Read the SVRI DEI Statement
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