The Sexual Violence Research Podcast from the SVRI is a series of treasured, open and frank conversations with the SVRI’s experienced and committed network of researchers, policy makers, activists and donors about the issues they are grappling with day in and day out, as they work towards their collective vision, a world free from violence.
The podcast addresses gender-based violence from the perspective of different disciplines and cultures and hears from expert guests as they discover and share how to create a violence free world for women and children in all our diversity. Listen with care and compassion, and please talk to someone should anything come up for you while listening to this podcast. For more resources email
In this episode, the final in this series, we learn about some of the critical components of designing an ethical research programme. Hear from guests Claudia Garcia Moreno, Nancy Glass, and Yandisa Sikweyiya.
S1 Episode 12: How To Conduct Research on Violence Against Women Ethically
In this episode we learn about the connection between practise based knowledge and decolonisation, and how the two concepts can improve violence prevention programmes and outcomes. Hear from guests Joy Watson, Terry McGovern and Tarisai Mchuchu-MacMillan.
S1 Episode 11: Decolonising Knowledge and Funding in the VAW field
In this episode we find out why a child’s perspective is so important when developing effective services and prevention programmes. Hear from guests Franziska Meinck, Chi-Chi Undie and Anita Burgund Isakov.
S1 Episode 10: How to Conduct Research with Children Ethically
In this episode we learn about some of the most impactful forms of advocacy and activism. Hear from guests Nwabisa Jama Shai, Charbel Maydaa and Natsnet Ghebrebrhan.
S1 Episode 9: The Power of Activism and Women’s Movements
In this episode we discuss how to make sure research findings are translated into meaningful action and change. Hear from guests Diana Arango, Wilson Hernández Breña and Leane Ramsoomar.
S1 Episode 8: Research for Impact
In this episode we discover why feminism needs to be the core value at the centre of all interventions, we hear the amazing success story of a study in Nicaragua called Candies In Hell, and we learn about the impact of conflict and war on violence against women and violence against girls. Hear from guests Rachel Jewkes, Manuel Contreras-Urbina and Mary Ellsberg.
S1 Episode 7: What Is The Evidence Telling Us?
In this episode we find out why it’s critical that we engage faith and spiritual leaders to address these issues, we discuss the patriarchal nature of religion and faith, and the importance of bringing more women into the conversation. Hear from guests Shruti Majumdar, Elisabet Le Roux and Prabu Deepan.
S1 Episode 6: Engaging Faith and Spiritual Leaders
In this episode we find out what complex trauma is and why it’s so important we understand it, we learn about the mental health symptoms that stem from sexual violence, including online sexual exploitation, and we find out about the importance of mind-body approaches to healing after sexual violence. Hear from guests Adesty Dulawan and Abbie Fields.
S1 Episode 5: Mental Health
In this episode we learn about the four key principles of ethical funding, discover the essential role of adopting a feminist approach when tackling power imbalances in this matter, and find out what ethical funding means from a funder’s perspective. Hear from guests Ayesha Mago, Katherine Marie Belen and Annika Lysén.
S1 Episode 4: Ethical Funding in VAW prevention and response
This third episode explores the need for more focused research into violence prevention and the creation of the world’s first Global Shared Research Agenda. Hear from guests Emma Fulu, Tina Musuya and Tesmerelna Atsbeha.
S1 Episode 3: Global Shared Research Agenda
In this episode, we talk about the research projects that are working to break the cycle of abuse and neglect by building positive and healthy family relationships. Hear from guests Dr Catherine Ward, Gary Barker and Prof. Godfrey Siu.
S1 Episode 2: Starting Young
In this episode we explore the many great research projects that are changing male perspectives, addressing the root causes of violence and creating meaningful change. Hear from guests Laxman Belbase and Phiona Koyiet.
S1 Episode 1: Engaging Men
In this episode we explore the concept of ‘collective care’ – the practice of taking responsibility for the wellbeing of each other, as individuals and as a community. We examine the very real dangers faced by women and children around the world, specifically in the sphere of activism, and how collective care can support and heal those vulnerable to attacks. Hear from guests Natsnet Ghebrebrhan and Jean Kemitare.
S2 Episode 12: Collective Care and Kindness
In this episode we explore how the internet has impacted the safety and wellbeing of women, affecting them both psychologically and physically. We hear real-world examples of women who’ve seen these impacts firsthand, including one woman who disengaged from the internet for 13 years as a result of her experiences. And we discuss the work that needs to be done to create safe spaces for women online. Hear from guest Maya Indira Ganesh.
S2 Episode 11: Technology Facilitated Gender-Based Violence
In this episode, we discover new, more nuanced measurements that can be used to paint a more complete picture about the effectiveness of interventions. And we learn just how dramatically our understanding of impact can change by simply altering the way we interpret the data. Hear from guest Sangeeta Chatterji.
S2 Episode 10: Improving the Way We Measure Impact
In this episode, we discuss the often overlooked role of climate change in exacerbating violence against women, why women are so disproportionately affected by climate related natural disasters and how women in some regions of the world are more impacted than others. Hear from guests Aimée-Noël Mbiyozo and Jeanne Ward.
S2 Episode 9: The Role of Climate Change in Violence Against Women
In this episode, we hear some of the unique challenges and risks when it comes to research in this field and discuss how researchers should go about planning and conducting ethical programmes. Lori Heise, Alessandra Guedes and Dr. Claudia Garcia Moreno Esteva.
S2 Episode 8: How to Conduct Ethical Research
In this episode, we try to understand the role power dynamics play in the area of sexual violence research and what can be done to ensure funding is distributed fairly. Hear from guests Joy Watson, Etoile Pinder and Alicia Wallace.
S2 Episode 7: Taking Back Power and Control in Research
In this episode, we explore why research uptake should be made a priority and how to go about putting together an effective impact strategy. Hear from guests Ana Flávia d´Oliveira and Diana Arango.
S2 Episode 6: Research for Impact
Faith and spiritual leaders are often deeply trusted and hugely influential people in the heart of their communities. In this episode, we consider the role religious leaders can play in ending violence against women and violence against children. Hear from guests Dr Rafael Cazarin, Ghida Anani and Dr Sandra Pertek.
S2 Episode 5: Engaging Religious and Spiritual Leaders in Addressing Violence Against Women
Throughout this episode we consider the real-world impacts of technology facilitated violence against children, the research that is happening in this area and what tech platforms and governments can do to counter this threat. We also consider the links between online and offline experiences of violence and the specific impact on child survivors. Hear from guests Dr Mark Kavenagh and Adesty Duluwan.
S2 Episode 4: Technology Facilitated Sexual Violence Against Children
Engaging men and boys in violence prevention programmes can produce real world benefits. This strategy – to be successful – has to be implemented in an ethical and accountable way and centered on women and girls experiences and needs. In this episode, we hear about some of the projects that have contributed to building evidence in this area, and consider what we can learn from them. We also discuss some of the challenges facing researchers in this field. Hear from guests Taveeshi Gupta and Emmanuel Karamage.
S2 Episode 3: Engaging Men and Boys – What Works?
In this episode, we learn more about what practise-based knowledge is, why it’s so important in the efforts to improve our prevention programming and how it helps tell a more inclusive story about addressing Violence Against Women. Hear from guests Jean Kemitare and Gemma Wood.
S2 Episode 2: Practise-Based Knowledge
In this episode, we learn about the power of connecting as the SVRI Forum which is taking place in Cancun in Mexico is getting under way. We find out about the real world impacts of knowledge sharing. And in our increasingly digital world, we consider some of the future challenges and opportunities in this area. Hear from guests Kalliopi Mingeirou and Sylvia Owino.
S2 Episode 1: The Power of Connecting
In this special episode, we hear from 10 of the incredible voices who attended the SVRI Forum 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. These changemakers reflect on their favourite moments, key takeaways, and what they hope others will learn from their work in the fight against gender-based violence. Hear from guests: Prabu Deepan, Melissa Wong Oviedo, Akosua Dardaine Edwards, Amy Bretherton, Myriam Sidibe, Antara Ganguli, Bothaina Eltigani, Tapiwa Nyasulu, Yvonne Themba, Dinnah Nabwire, and Francesco Cecon.
S3 Episode 12: Impact and Memory - Voices from the SVRI Forum 2024
In this special episode co-hosted with UN Women, our hosts Ayesha Mago, Global Advocacy Director at SVRI and Kalliopi Mingeirou, Chief of the Ending Violence Against Women Section at UN Women take a deep dive into the significance of this annual campaign and the critical work being done to address gender-based violence worldwide. Hear from our guests Clarisa Bencomo and Nicole Pichardo.
S3 Episode 11: Activism in Action: The Power of the 16 Days Campaign to End Violence
In this episode, we learn more about the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS), the largest source of data on violence against children worldwide. We’re joined by two women who have worked intensively on the VACS programme: Laura Chiang, Lead Epidemiologist at the Division of Violence Prevention at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Daniela Ligiero, CEO and President of Together for Girls.
S3 Episode 10: The Power of Data: Protecting Children from Sexual Violence
Survivors hold the key to bringing about empowering and systemic change in the field of gender-based violence. Their stories and their voices must be at the forefront of decision making and policymaking. In this special episode, recorded live at the eighth SVRI Forum in Cape Town in October 2024, we hear the stories of two extraordinary activists, Kolbassia Haoussou MBE and Jac sm Kee.
S3 Episode 9: The Powerful Journey of Two Activists
By the age of 16 more than 90% of boys will have watched online pornography, some even as young as nine. In this episode, our guests Maree Crabbe co-founder, It’s Time We Talked and Jennifer Johnson Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, join us to explore the disturbing connections between young people’s increasing exposure to violent pornography and rising rates of sexual violence against women and girls.
S3 Episode 8: How Online Pornography is Fueling Sexual Violence Among Young People
Approximately 30% of women experience intimate partner violence (IPV), so how can we adapt and scale effective interventions? And what are the challenges? In this episode, our guests Laura Somoggi, co-CEO of Womanity and Dr. Vandana Sharma, discuss the process of adapting and scaling IPV prevention programs to new contexts, highlighting necessary steps and challenges faced by implementers.
S3 Episode 7: Adapting IPV prevention programmes: Key insights and best practices
How can we address violence against LGBTQI+ populations? In this episode, our guests Bheki Sithole, Michele Lanham, and Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, discuss the unique challenges faced by LGBTQI+ populations in Eswatini and Sri Lanka.
S3 Episode 6: Addressing violence against LGBTQI+ people
How can we prevent technology facilitated child sexual violence? In this episode, our guests, Shailey Hingorani and Amy Crocker, discuss the necessity for evidence-based interventions and more.
S3 episode 5: How can we prevent technology facilitated child sexual violence?
Why do certain men use violence in certain situations? How do they rationalise their actions? In this episode, our guests, Dr Nambusi Kyegombe and Martín Hernán Di Marco, discuss the ethics of talking to men who commit violence.
S3 episode 4: Understanding the psychology of men who use violence
How can we improve safeguarding against sexual abuse in the humanitarian sector? In this episode, our guests, Dr. Tessie San Martin and Theodora Suter, discuss why is it still such a hard topic to talk about.
S3 episode 3: How can we improve safeguarding against sexual abuse in the humanitarian sector?
In this episode we discuss the effectiveness and drawbacks of complex evaluation methods, like randomised controlled trials, and learn why they may not capture the nuance and complexity of violence interventions. Hear from guests Lucie Cluver and Laxman Belbase.
S3 episode 2: Are RCTs The Best Way to Evaluate Violence Interventions?
In this episode we are discussing what it takes to create just and inclusive systems for change. The role of philanthropy in disrupting and challenging existing power structures. And whether it’s possible to shift societal norms. Hear from guests Varja Lipovsek and Duncan Green.
S3 episode 1: Making just and inclusive systems for change
We envision a world where women and children in all their diversity live free from violence. Hear from expert guests as we discover how to make that vision a reality. Visit The Sexual Violence Research Podcast online or listen to us on Apple and Spotify.
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