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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Yvonne Themba

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Yvonne Themba

Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Yvonne Themba

An accomplished Human Resources & Talent Management Professional with 15 years’ Executive Management experience. Yvonne Themba is a solutions-based strategist that enjoys transforming organisations by tailoring change management programmes and continuous improvement initiatives that align with company requirements, compliance and long-term business goals. In August 2021 she took on the exciting and challenging role of Chief People Officer at McDonald’s South Africa. Prior to joining McDonald’s South Africa and having earned significant professional growth opportunities throughout her career, Yvonne was the Managing Director of her own HR consultancy, Themba Infrastructure Projects (TIP). Established in 2016, this fully women-owned and -led business has managed HR strategy development, work culture embedding, retrenchment outplacements solutions and Board management projects for Shanduka Group, Phembani Group, Pfortner Solutions and Black Umbrellas. Currently the Trustee of Mabindu Business Development Trust (MBDT) and the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation (CRF) and some its implementing entities; namely Adopt-A-School Foundation (AAS) and KTS, Yvonne understands fully the fiduciary responsibilities and compliance mandate embedded therein. She works effectively alongside Board Members and Executive Management in order to achieve the greater goal, communicating insights, decisions and challenges in a compelling manner. Yvonne is also a Board member of Pan African Resources (PAR), a sustainable, safe, high margin and long-life mid-tier Gold Producer in South Africa. She serves on the sub committees of the abovementioned Boards with a special emphasis on Chairing the Remuneration Committees (PAR & CRF) as well as being a member of the Ethics Committee (PAR) and the Finance Committee (AAS).

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