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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Setting Priorities for Research

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Setting Priorities for Research

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Priority-setting for research has often been carried out in an unstructured manner, or in a way which results in the research agendas of the most powerful or well published participants taking centre stage. The SVRI with our partners are attempting to create an objective, repeatable, structured and transparent methodology for priority setting that also takes into account the views of all stakeholders and not simply those of technical experts.

Agenda Setting Efforts

The SVRI and our partners continue to co-create and expand on meeting research priority needs through conducting research priority setting processes both geographically and topically. Developing a research agenda on any topic, is a complex process. Many forces influence what can be defined as a research priority, and research needs will differ from country to country and even within countries. Therefore, rather than provide a detailed list of research aims and objectives, the agenda should present a high-level overview of major gaps (i.e. among certain populations, regions, types of interventions or types of violence) and major questions that need to be addressed to improve responses for victims/survivors and advance the elimination of violence against women and violence against children.


As a learning organisation, we are committed to reviewing and strengthening every aspect of our work. An evaluation of our RPS efforts is underway as is a comparison of the SVRI Forum abstracts to provide a baseline for our priority setting efforts.

More content will be provided on this work once it is available.

For more information email

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