Building GBV Evidence Course, The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University
Data Equity in VAWG Prevention Quantitative Research, We All Count and SVRI
Data to Action, Together for Girls
Excellence in Peer Review: Reviewer Training Network, Taylor & Francis
Implementation Research Training Materials, TDR
Implementation Science Short Course, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
kNOwVAWdata Course on Measuring the Prevalence of Violence Against Women, An initiative by UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Measuring Violence Against Children: From Concept to Action, SVRI
Pathways to Research Impact, SVRI
Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning, London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Humanitarian Crises: What Works? Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies
Clinical Management of Rape and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors, World Health Organization iLearn Program
Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers, The Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Creating Gender Transformative Messages for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls, Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
Dare to Care: Wellness, Self and Collective Care for Those Working in the VAW and VAC Fields, SVRI
DOMINO -prevention of domestic violence, 5 ECTS, DOMINO-project
Empowered Aid, The Global Women’s Institute
Gender-Based Violence Case Management in Emergency Settings, ABAAD
Gender Foundations in Health Data: A Data for Health Course, Johns Hopkins University
GenderPro Capacity Building, The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University
Health Sector Response to Violence Against Women (VAW), World Health Organization
How to be a Male Ally for Gender Equality, UN Global Compact Academy
How to Integrate Cash Assistance into GBV Case Management, UNFPA
How to Succeed at VAW Prevention Cohort 4: Key Elements of Effective Programmes, Prevention Collaborative
INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children, Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Interprofessional Strategies for Prevention and Response, University of Michigan, University System of Maryland, University of Maryland Baltimore
Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programming, International Rescue Committee (IRC), United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Managing GBV Programmes in Emergencies, UNFPA
Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) Resources for Sexual Reproductive Health Preparedness, Response and Recovery Efforts, Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crises
Power, Patriarchy and Feminism, MenEngage Alliance
Psychological First Aid Online, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Prevention Essentials Refresher: The Latest on What, Why, & How, Prevention Collaborative
Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), UNICEF
Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), The CPC Learning Network
Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Crises, Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies
Starting With Ourselves: Reflecting on Power, Gender, and Violence, Prevention Collaborative
Supporting Parents and Caregivers: Prevention Strategies Deep Dive, Prevention Collaborative
Transforming Gender Norms for Violence Prevention: The What, Why and How, Prevention Collaborative
Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care Foundations Curriculum, The University of British Columbia
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Medical University of South Carolina
UN Women Training Centre eLearning Campus, UN Women
Using Data to End Violence Against Women, UN Women, WHO Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data and Measurement and Apolitical
Working with Couples: Prevention Strategies Deep Dive, Prevention Collaborative
Working at the Intersection of Violence Against Women and Children, Prevention Collaborative