Blog Scaling up interventions that work to #PreventVAW I recently participated in a great workshop on scale up of interventions that work to prevent violence against women in East and Southern Africa region jointly hosted by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative and UNFPA.… July 5, 2016
Blog Shule Salama: Using research to develop and pilot test a school based child abuse primary prevention intervention in Kenya The school has been identified as one of the settings where children are exposed to violence. In 2014/15, LVCT Health and SOWED Kenya carried out a formative study and cross sectional survey in four… June 29, 2016
Blog Ending the invisible violence against Thai female sex workers I’m finally in Thailand celebrating our Development Marketplace for Innovation award from the World Bank Group and the nonprofit Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) to prevent gender-based violence. Just one month ago, our team members, consisting… June 10, 2016
Blog What works in preventing gender based violence? This week I was at a presentation where Prof Jewkes (SVRI Secretary) shared evidence on What Works to Prevent Gender Based Violence. Our knowledge of what works is increasing, but there is… May 24, 2016
Blog World Humanitarian Summit, Side event: Evidence for religious groups’ contributions to humanitarian response The first World Humanitarian Summit, convening in Istanbul, May 2016, aims to set a new agenda for global humanitarian action. In support of the Summit, the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith… May 23, 2016
Blog SVRI grant and SVRI WBG development marketplace for innovation on GBV prevention Despite the high levels of gender-based violence (GBV) globally, and the many potential long lasting harmful effects of this violence, funds for research on GBV prevention remain scarce. The SVRI Grant,… May 15, 2016
Blog Wartime rape and the need for reparations The phrases ‘wartime rape’ and ‘rape as a weapon of war’ have received much traction in recent years. This is owed to a growing awareness of the enormity of sexual… April 11, 2016
Blog Sikhula ndawonye – developing an early parenting intervention for women with infants <12 months of age The links between exposure to violence and maltreatment in childhood and poor educational attainment as well as the child later in life being a perpetrator or victim of violence are… April 6, 2016
Blog Engaging the elephant in the room Feedback on the Meeting : “Engaging the Elephant in the Room: Facilitating a feminist way forward for women and men to work together on violence against women”. 17th September, SVRI Forum… October 19, 2015