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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Dominican Republic

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Dominican Republic

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Dominican Republic

Luft, H. S., Mersky, J. P., Choi, C., Canario Guzmán, J. A., Quezada Ortiz, M. V., Sehi, G. T., & Temple, J. R. (2022). Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and association with dating violence and symptoms of mental illness among adolescents in the Dominican Republic. Child Abuse & Neglect, 129, 105668.
Budhwani, H., Hearld, K. R., Butame, S. A., Naar, S., Tapia, L., & Paulino-Ramírez, R. (2021). Transgender Women in Dominican Republic: HIV, Stigma, Substances, and Sex Work. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 35(12), 488–494.
Felker-Kantor, E., Polanco, C., Perez, M., Donastorg, Y., Andrinopoulos, K., Kendall, C., Kerrigan, D., & Theall, K. (2021). Daily activity spaces and drug use among female sex workers living with HIV in the Dominican Republic. Health & Place, 68, 102527.
Dayton, R., Alvarez, B., Morales, G. J., Rojas Almonte, J., Faccini, M., Gomes, B., Wolf, R. C., & Wilcher, R. (2020). Assessing an inclusive model to increase access to comprehensive gender-based violence response services and improve HIV outcomes in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 22(9), 1001–1017.
Pérez-Figueroa, R., Mittal, I., Halpern, M., Pérez-Mencia, M., Donastorg, Y., Taylor, B. S., & Amesty, S. (2020). Drug use, sexual risk, and structural vulnerability among female sex workers in two urban centers of the Dominican Republic: The EPIC study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 212, 108039.
Kerrigan, D., Donastorg, Y., Barrington, C., Perez, M., Gomez, H., Mbwambo, J., Likindikoki, S., Mantsios, A., Beckham, S. W., Leddy, A., Karver, T. S., Galai, N., & Davis, W. W. (2020). Assessing and Addressing Social Determinants of HIV among Female Sex Workers in the Dominican Republic and Tanzania through Community Empowerment-Based Responses. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 17(2), 88–96.
Mendoza, C., Barrington, C., Donastorg, Y., Perez, M., Fleming, P. J., Decker, M. R., & Kerrigan, D. (2017). Violence From a Sexual Partner is Significantly Associated With Poor HIV Care and Treatment Outcomes Among Female Sex Workers in the Dominican Republic. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999), 74(3), 273–278.
Viswanathan, N., Carretero, L., Afzal, O., Rodriguez, S. I., & Shirazian, T. (2016). Understanding the challenges of addressing intimate partner violence in the Dominican Republic. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 133(1), 120–121.
Viswanathan, N., Afzal, O., & Shirazian, T. (2015). Community health workers understanding and attitudes regarding intimate partner violence in the dominican republic. Annals of Global Health, 81(1), 57.
Michelle J. Hindin, Sunita Kishor, and Donna L. Ansara. (2008). Intimate partner violence among couples in 10 DHS countries: Predictors and health outcomes. USAID.
Dominican Republic promises a plan to extend early childhood services and financing for women’s businesses. (n.d.). UN Women – Headquarters. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from
Ministerio de la Mujer - Inicio. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2022, from
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