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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03


Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Clark, C. J., Al-Hamdan, Z., Bawadi, H., Alsalem, H., Hamadneh, J., Abu Al-Haija, A., Hadd, A. R., Spencer, R. A., Bergenfeld, I., & Hall-Clifford, R. (2024). Preventing violence and enhancing mental health among clients of an invitro fertilization clinic in Jordan: results of a pre/post pilot test of the use of cognitive behavioral therapy. Reproductive Health, 21(1), 117.
Bawadi, H., Al-Hamdan, Z. M., Clark, C. J., Hall-Clifford, R., Hamadneh, J. M., & Al-Sharu, E. E. (2024). Infertile Jordanian women’s self-perception about societal violence: An interpretative phenomenological study. International Journal of Women’s Health, 16, 593–603.
Alothman, H. M., AbdelRahman, A. R. A., Aderibigbe, S. A., & Ali, M. (2024). Risk factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) against Jordanian married women: A social ecological perspective. Heliyon, 10(10), e30364.
Urquhart, G., Maclennan, S. J., & Guntupalli, A. M. (2023). Is there an association between intimate partner violence and the prevalence of cervical cancer screening in Jordan? PLOS ONE, 18(8), e0290678.
Kheirallah, K. A., Alrawashdeh, A., Alsaleh, A., Megdadi, M., Obeidat, S., Elfauri, K. A., Al-Mistarehi, A.-H., & Elbarazi, I. (2023). Domestic violence against women in Jordan: analysis of the demographic and health survey dataset 2017-2018. Journal of Medicine and Life, 16(8), 1264–1273.
Abujilban, S., AbuAbed, A., Mrayan, L., Nashwan, A. J., Al‐Modallal, H., Damra, J., Alrousan, D., & Hamaideh, S. (2023). Pregnant Women’s experiences with intimate partner violence one year after the COVID‐19 pandemic in Jordan. Nursing Open, 10(7), 4286–4297.
Alsawalqa, R. O., Alrawashdeh, M. N., Sa’deh, Y. A. R., & Abuanzeh, A. (2022). Exploring Jordanian women’s resistance strategies to domestic violence: A scoping review. Frontiers in Sociology, 7, 1026408.
Abujilban, S., Mrayan, L., Al-Modallal, H., & Damra, J. K. (2022). Physical Intimate Partner Violence and Maternal Outcomes in a Hospital-Based Sample of Pregnant Women in Jordan. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 30(3), 245–252.
Lokot, M. (2021). Skewed allegiances: Recalibrating humanitarian accountability towards gender. REFUGEE SURVEY QUARTERLY, 40(4), 391–413.
Raffee, L. A., Al-Qudah, M. A., Hayajneh, W. A., Alawneh, K. Z., Mahasneh, O. I., Alomari, M. M., & Al-Mistarehi, A.-H. (2021). Prevalence estimates of drug addiction among high-school students and its association with violence, and school behaviors: A cross-sectional study from Jordan. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 67, 102490.
Damra, J. K., & Abujilban, S. K. (2018). Violence against women and its consequences on women’s reproductive health and depression: a Jordanian sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, ePub(ePub), 886260518770649.
Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Rebecca Holmes. (2017). Cash transfers for refugees: the economic and social effects of a programme in Jordan. Overseas Development Institute.
Oweis, A., Gharaibeh, M., Al-Natour, A., & Froelicher, E. (2009). Violence Against Women: Unveiling the Suffering of Women With a Low Income in Jordan. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(1), 69–76.
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