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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03


Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Seery, C., Rushiti, F., Krasniqi, S. P., Çarkaxhiu, S. I., Xhemaili, V. D., Limani, D. A., Prapashtica, Q., Turjaka, V., Zekaj, N., Salihu, M., Hjort, L., Ryan, J., Kaas‐Petersen, S. H., & Wang, S. S. (2024). Family Therapy for Kosovar Mothers Who Experienced Conflict‐Related Sexual Violence and Their Children in Postwar Times: A Pilot Randomised Waitlist‐Controlled Trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 31(4), e3039.
Kelmendi, K., Duraku, Z. H., & Jemini-Gashi, L. (2019). Coexistence of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment among adolescents in Kosovo. Journal of Family Violence, 34(5), 411–421.
Kelmendi, K., & Baumgartner, F. (2017). A mixed-method evidence of intimate partner violence victimization among female students in Kosovo and its correlates. Psychology of Violence, 7(3), 440–449.
Kelmendi, K., & Baumgartner, F. (2017). Exploring violence socialization and approval of intimate partner violence among university students in Kosovo. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, ePub(ePub), ePub.
Medica Mondiale. (2016). Supporting survivors of sexualized and gender based violence women’s self-help groups accessing their rights to health, justice and the social system in Kosovo. Medica Mondiale.
Di Lellio, A. (2016). Seeking Justice for Wartime Sexual Violence in Kosovo: Voices and Silence of Women. East European Politics and Societies: And Cultures, 30(3), 621–643.
Kelmendi, K. (2015). Domestic Violence Against Women in Kosovo: A Qualitative Study of Women’s Experiences. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(4), 680–702.
Godec, S. T. (2010). Between Rhetoric and Reality: Exploring the Impact of Military Humanitarian Intervention Upon Sexual Violence:  Post-Conflict Sex Trafficking in Kosovo. International Review of the Red Cross (1999), 92(877), 235–258.
Gabriela Mischkowski. (2009). “… And that it does not happen to anyone anywhere in the world”: The trouble with rape trials. Views of Witnesses, Prosecutors and Judges on Prosecuting Sexualised Violence during the War in the former Yogoslavia. Medica Mondiale.
Catholic Relief Services. (2007). Research study on trafficking in human beings. Catholic Relief Services.
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