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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03


Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Raftery, P., Usta, J., Kiss, L., Palmer, J., & Hossain, M. (2023). Gender based violence (GBV) coordination in a complex, multi-crisis context: a qualitative case study of Lebanon’s compounded crises (2019–2023). Conflict and Health, 17(1), 50.
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Orr, L., Shebl, F. M., Heimer, R., Khoshnood, K., Barbour, R., Khouri, D., Aaraj, E., Mokhbat, J. E., & Crawford, F. W. (2021). Violence and Discrimination Against Men Who Have Sex With Men in Lebanon: The Role of International Displacement and Migration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21–22), 10267–10284.
Bartels, S. A., Michael, S., Vahedi, L., Collier, A., Kelly, J., Davison, C., Scott, J., Parmar, P., & Geara, P. (2019). SenseMaker® as a monitoring and evaluation tool to provide new insights on gender-based violence programs and services in Lebanon. Evaluation and Program Planning, 77, 101715.
Bartels, S. A., Michael, S., Roupetz, S., Garbern, S., Kilzar, L., Bergquist, H., Bakhache, N., Davison, C., & Bunting, A. (2018). Making sense of child, early and forced marriage among Syrian refugee girls: a mixed methods study in Lebanon. BMJ Global Health, 3(1), e000509.
Bakhache, N., Michael, S., Roupetz, S., Garbern, S., Bergquist, H., Davison, C., & Bartels, S. (2017). Implementation of a SenseMaker® research project among Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Global Health Action, 10(1), 1362792.
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Khawaja, M., & Hammoury, N. (2008). Coerced sexual intercourse within marriage: a clinic-based study of pregnant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 53(2), 150–154.
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