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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03


Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Picchetti, V., Stamatakis, C., Annor, F. B., Massetti, G. M., & Hegle, J. (2022). Association between lifetime sexual violence victimization and selected health conditions and risk behaviors among 13–24-year-olds in Lesotho: Results from the Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS), 2018. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105916.
Poteat, T. C., Logie, C. H., Adams, D., Mothopeng, T., Lebona, J., Letsie, P., & Baral, S. (2015). Stigma, sexual health, and human rights among women who have sex with women in Lesotho. Reproductive Health Matters, 23(46), 107–116.
Stahlman, S., Bechtold, K., Sweitzer, S., Mothopeng, T., Taruberekera, N., Nkonyana, J., & Baral, S. (2015). Sexual identity stigma and social support among men who have sex with men in Lesotho: a qualitative analysis. Reproductive Health Matters, 23(46), 127–135.
USAID’s AIDSTAR-One Project. (2013). National response efforts to address violence against women and exploitation against children in Lesotho: A desktop study. USAID’s AIDS Support and Technical Assistance Resources, AIDSTAR-One.
Stoebenau, K., Nixon, S. A., Rubincam, C., Willan, S., Zembe, Y. Z., Tsikoane, T., Tanga, P. T., Bello, H. M., Caceres, C. F., Townsend, L., Rakotoarison, P. G., & Razafintsalama, V. (2011). More than just talk: the framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa. Globalization and Health, 7, 34.
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS. (2008). “Positive women monitoring change. A Monitoring Tool on Access to Care, Treatment and Support Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Violence Against Women” The International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS and The Support to International. International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS.
Brown, L., Thurman, T., Bloem, J., & Kendall, C. (2006). Sexual violence in Lesotho. Studies in Family Planning, 37(4), 269–280.
Sechaba Consultants,  Basotho NGO, & Tulane University. (2004). Sexual violence against women in Lesotho. MEASURE Evaluation Project, Tulane University Sechaba Consultants, Lesotho CARE, Lesotho.
Lesotho. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2022, from
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