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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03


Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Neelakantan, L., Fry, D., Florian, L., Silion, D., Filip, M., Thabeng, M., Te, K., Sunglao, J. A., Lu, M., Ward, C. L., Baban, A., Jocson, R. M., Peña Alampay, L., & Meinck, F. (2024). “We don’t know how to talk”: Adolescent meaning making and experiences of participating in research on violence in Romania, South Africa, and the Philippines. Child Abuse & Neglect, 106931.
Neelakantan, L., Fry, D., Florian, L., Silion, D., Filip, M., Thabeng, M., Te, K., Sunglao, J. A., Lu, M., Ward, C. L., Baban, A., Jocson, R. M., Alampay, L., & Meinck, F. (2022). “What does that mean?”: The content validity of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool - Child version (ICAST-C) in Romania, South Africa, and the Philippines. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105869.
Meinck, F., Murray, A. L., Dunne, M. P., Schmidt, P., Nikolaidis, G., Petroulaki, K., Zarokosta, F., Tsirigoti, A., Hazizaj, A., Cenko, E., Brikc-Smigoc, J., Vajzovic, E., Stancheva, V., Chincheva, S., Ajdukovic, M., Rajte, M., Raleva, M., Trpcevska, L., Roth, M., … Browne, K. (2020). Measuring violence against children: The adequacy of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) child abuse screening tool - Child version in 9 Balkan countries. Child Abuse & Neglect, 108, 104636.
Vrăbiescu, I. (2019). Creating solidarity: Intimate partner violence (IPV) and politics of emotions in a multi-ethnic neighbourhood in Romania. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 26(2), 150–164.
Rada, C. (2014). Violence against women by male partners and against children within the family: prevalence, associated factors, and intergenerational transmission in Romania, a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 129.
Roxana Tesiu, & Adela Dinu. (2007). Violence against women: Do the governments care? Romania Fact Sheet on the State Response. Ce nter for Partnership and Equality.
UN Women. (2007). Romania national strategy & plan of action to combat family violence. UN Women.
Center for Reproductive Rights. (2000). Women of the world: Laws and policies affecting their reproductive lives -East Central Europe. Center for Reproductive Rights.
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