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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

United Kingdom (UK)

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

United Kingdom (UK)

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

United Kingdom (UK)

Keynejad, R. C., Boardman-Pretty, T., Barber, S., Tweed, J., Forshall, E., Edwards, A., Shotton, J., & Wilson, C. A. (2024). Detection of and response to gender-based violence: a quality improvement project across three secondary mental health services in London. BJPsych Bulletin, 1–6.
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Jackson, J., Lewis, N. V., Feder, G. S., Whiting, P., Jones, T., Macleod, J., & Redaniel, M. T. (2019). Exposure to domestic violence and abuse and consultations for emergency contraception: nested case-control study in a UK primary care dataset. The British Journal of General Practice: The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 69(680), e199–e207.
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Franklin, A., & Smeaton, E. (2018). Listening to young people with learning disabilities who have experienced, or are at risk of, child sexual exploitation in the UK. Children and Society, 32(2), 98–109.
Franklin, A., & Smeaton, E. (2017). Recognising and responding to young people with learning disabilities who experience, or are at risk of, child sexual exploitation in the UK. Children and Youth Services Review, 73, 474–481.
Sawyerr, A., & Bagley, C. (2017). Child sexual abuse and adolescent and adult adjustment: a review of British and world evidence, with implications for social work, and mental health and school counselling. Advances in Applied Sociology, 7(1), 1–15.
Jaspal, R., Lopes, B., Jamal, Z., Paccoud, I., & Sekhon, P. (2017). Sexual abuse and HIV-risk behaviour among black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in the UK. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 20(8), 841–853.
Hadley, A., Chandra-Mouli, V., & Ingham, R. (2016). Implementing the United Kingdom Government’s 10-Year Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England (1999-2010): Applicable Lessons for Other Countries. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 59(1), 68–74.
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Hearn, J., Strid, S., Husu, L., & Verloo, M. (2016). Interrogating violence against women and state violence policy: Gendered intersectionalities and the quality of policy in The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Current Sociology, 64(4), 551–567.
McNally, S. (2016). Sexual harassment and bullying in UK surgery: no room for complacency. BMJ, 354, i4682.
Morgan, L., Khadr, S., & Bewley, S. (2016). Child sexual assault reported to an acute sexual assault referral centre in London. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 102(2), 165–169.
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Foreign & Commonwealth Office. (2014). International Protocol on the documentation and investigation of sexual violence in conflict: training materials. Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
Jil Matheson. (2013). An overview of sexual offending in England and Wales. Ministry of Justice, Home Office & the Office for National Statistics. Statistics Bulletin.
Elliott, I. A., & Beech, A. R. (2013). A U.K. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Circles of Support and Accountability Interventions. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 25(3), 211–229.
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