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Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania has been selected to participate in SVRI Forum 2017

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Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania has been selected to participate in SVRI Forum 2017

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania, a child-focused organization dedicated to ending child abuse, violence and to support vulnerable girls and boys to access quality education in Tanzania, has been selected to participate in the SVRI Forum 2017 to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 18-21 September. The conference is an avenue to establish new networks where experience sharing and networking online and offline will continue beyond the project. Through this event, the SVRI brings together over 450 researchers, gender activists, funders, policy makers, service providers, practitioners and survivors from around the world who are working to understand, prevent and respond to sexual and intimate partner violence. We are so happy to be part of this large team of actors from around the world – said the two youth researchers and facilitator from Elimu.

The Being Heard Project – Being Heard Young Researchers SVRI Participation in 2017 is a collaborative effort involving SVRI and the international Centre, that will deepen our understanding of the methods and tools appropriate for young person’s participation as researchers. Equally, the forum will open an opportunity for young researchers to interact with others from other part of the world organizations such as
African Community Publishing Development Trust(ACPDT) – Zimbabwe, PARCES (Peers in Action Research Against Social Exclusion) – Colombia, Centro de Defesa dos Direito da Criança e do Adolescent – Brazil and Uganda Youth Development Link- UYDEL.

It is expected that, the conference will benefit the youth researchers and facilitators from the organizations and the organization itself on sexual violence. Correspondingly, the Elimu team see
a lot of benefit interacting with others in Rio, Brazil. they further see this as an opportunity to expand their knowledge and networks, and also to draw from the conference that are
related to Sexual Violence against children. This initiative is in line with Elimu’s strategic Objective which aims at building the capacity of girls and boys to reduce exposure to risk
of sexual violence, abuse and exploitation. Also, one of their thematic area is research that aim at building evidence of the work they do. Elements of collaboration and sustainability with other organizations will be identified and put into practice in Tanzania.

[Article adapted from Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania’s newsletter, June 2017]
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