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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Executive summary. Comparative study: September 2016-April 2017. Changes caused by the optional course “harmonious family relationships”, at the level of perceptions, stereotypes and attitudes

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Executive summary. Comparative study: September 2016-April 2017. Changes caused by the optional course “harmonious family relationships”, at the level of perceptions, stereotypes and attitudes

Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Executive Summary Comparative Study September 2016april 2017 Changes Caused By The Optional Course Harmonious Family Relationships At The Level Of Perceptions Stereotypes And Attitudes

Misail-Nichitin, D., Cheianu-Andrei, D., & Senic, D. (2017). Executive summary. Comparative study: September 2016-April 2017. Changes caused by the optional course “harmonious family relationships”, at the level of perceptions, stereotypes and attitudes. International Center ”La Strada”, & Center for Investigations and Consultancy “SocioPolis”.


The need of some educational programs for young generations, oriented towards creation of harmonious and sustainable families, with no violence, where problems would be discussed, analyzed and solved in a friendly manner, led to the development of the curriculum for the optional course ”Harmonious family relationships” for students in 10th – 12th grade, by the International Center for Protection and Promotion of Women’s Rights ”La Strada”. During the academic year 2016-2017, the optional course was proposed to students from 22 educational institutions from the Republic of Moldova. The goal of the study was to determine the impact of the optional course “Harmonious family relationships” on children and the teaching staff, and to identify the possibilities to improve some aspects of the optional course.

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