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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Harmful Cultural Practices

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Harmful Cultural Practices

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Harmful cultural practices are discriminatory forms of violence and human rights violations that are accepted as part of the cultural practice in specific countries and contexts. These include child marriage, female genital mutilation and honour killing. Read the publications on this page to learn more about this topic.

Simuziya, N. J. (2023). Harmful Cultural Practices that Violate Women’s Rights in African Polities and Why They have Persisted: A Glance at Namibia, Ethiopia, and Zambia. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 31(2), 265–298.
Lomazzi, V. (2023). The Cultural Roots of Violence against Women: Individual and Institutional Gender Norms in 12 Countries. Social Sciences, 12(3), 117.
Alordiah, C. O., Omumu, F. C., Owamah, H. I., Chenube, O., Okokoyo, I. E., Osagiede, M. A., & Agbajor, H. T. (2022). Socio-cultural norms encouraging violence against women (VAW) from a popular ethnic group in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and the roles of schools in preventing VAW. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2102299.
Rimjhim, & Dandapat, S. (2022). Is gender-based violence a confluence of culture? Empirical evidence from social media. PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e1051.
Ikeaba, N. C., Balogun, M. R., Olubodun, T., & Okafor, I. (2022). Harmful Traditional Practices among Market Women in Ojuwoye Market Mushin, South West, Nigeria. Annals of African Medicine, 21(3), 208–216.
UNICEF. (2022). Harmful practices.
Equality Now. (2021). Ending Harmful Practices.
Gebre, T., Hagos, F., Teklu, G., Fisseha, M., & Abera, M. (2020). The Prevalence of Gender-based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices against Women in the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 55(1), 58–75.
Campbell, G., Roberts, K. A., & Sarkaria, N. (2020). Harmful traditional practices: prevention, protection, and policing. Palgrave Macmillan.
Longman, C., & Bradley, T. (Eds.). (2020). Interrogating harmful cultural practices: gender, culture and coercion (First issued in paperback). New York.
Glover, J., Liebling, H., Goodman, S., & Barrett, H. R. (2018). Persistence and Resistance of Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) Perpetuated against Girls in Africa and Asia. 19(2).
Le Roux, E., Bartelink, B., & Palm, S. (2017). What is the harm in ‘harmful  traditional practices’? [Policy brief]. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
Gebrekirstos, K., Abebe, M., & Fantahun, A. (2014). A cross sectional study on factors associated with harmful traditional practices among children less than 5 years in Axum town, north Ethiopia, 2013. Reproductive Health, 11(1), 46.
Creighton, S., & Gill, A. (2010). “Harmful” traditional practices: interventions to address gendered forms of violence against women and girls. Injury Prevention, 16(Supplement 1), A276–A276.
UNESCAP. (2009). Harmful Traditional Practices in Three Countries of South Asia: Culture, Human Rights and Violence against Women (No. 21; Gender and Development Discussion Paper). United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Thomson, M. (2003). Rights of Passage: Harmful cultural practices and children’s rights. Save the Children UK.
Banda, J., & Atansah, P. (n.d.). An Agenda for Harmful Cultural Practices and Girls’ Empowerment [Essay].
UNICEF. (n.d.). Technical Note on COVID-19 and Harmful Practices [Technical Note]. 2020.
Reisz, T., Murray, K., & Gage, A. J. (2024). Associations between child marriage and reproductive and maternal health outcomes among young married women in Liberia and Sierra Leone: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0300982.
Preventing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage and Countering Violent Extremism in Cabo Delgado: Implementation Lessons from a Conflict Setting - Pathfinder International. (2024, April 22).
Udengwu, N., Ofunu, U. M., Gomment, T. I., Aniagu, C., Nwokolo, P. N., Ikusemiju, A. O., & Gever, V. C. (2024). Evaluating the impact of using storytelling and visual multimedia music intervention to improve knowledge of the Child Rights Act and reduce the propensity to engage in child marriage. Evaluation and Program Planning, 103, 102416.
Gausman, J., Kim, R., Kumar, A., Ravi, S., & Subramanian, S. V. (2024). Prevalence of girl and boy child marriage across states and Union Territories in India, 1993–2021: a repeated cross-sectional study. The Lancet Global Health, 12(2), e271–e281.
Lami, M., Negash, A., Eyeberu, A., Birhanu, A., Debella, A., Getachew, T., Berhanu, B., Balis, B., Bete, T., Abdeta, T., Nigussie, S., Bogale, K., Bekele Dechasa, D., Sertsu, A., Gemechu, K., Wodaje, D., Nigussie, K., Alemu, A., Kibret, H., … Dessie, Y. (2023). Prevalence of child marriage and associated factors among reproductive age women in Harari regional state, eastern Ethiopia, 2022: a community-based study. BMC Women’s Health, 23(1), 267.
Omobowale, O., Omigbodun, O., Egbokhare, O., & Koski, A. (2023). A protocol for a controlled, pre-post intervention study to change attitudes toward child marriage in Southwestern Nigeria using targeted radio programming. PLOS ONE, 18(5), e0285902.
Kok, M. C., Kakal, T., Kassegne, A. B., Hidayana, I. M., Munthali, A., Menon, J. A., Pires, P., Gitau, T., & van der Kwaak, A. (2023). Drivers of child marriage in specific settings of Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia – findings from the Yes I Do! baseline study. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 794.
Melnikas, A. J., Saul, G., Chau, M., Pandey, N., Gueye, M., Mkandawire, J., Diarra, A., & Amin, S. (2023). Community-based empowerment program to delay marriage: Results from the More Than Brides Alliance intervention in India, Malawi, Mali and Niger. PLOS ONE, 18(4), e0281413.
Burgess, R. A., Sheibani, F., Kelly, I., Jeffery, M., Gumbonzvanda, F., Lewis, G., Ashraf, A., Connor, C., Mombeshora, S., & Gumbonzvanda, N. (2023). Bringing an end to the silence: Identifying priorities and solutions to addressing the mental health consequences of Child Marriage. Health Policy and Planning, czad006.
Shukla, S., Ezebuihe, J. A., & Steinert, J. I. (2023). Association between public health emergencies and sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and early marriage among adolescent girls: a rapid review. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 117.
Aggarwal, S., Francis, K. L., Dashti, S. G., & Patton, G. (2023). Child marriage and the mental health of adolescent girls: a longitudinal cohort study from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, India. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, 8, 100102.
Emerson, E., & Llewellyn, G. (2022). Disability among Women and Men Who Married in Childhood: Evidence from Cross-Sectional Nationally Representative Surveys Undertaken in 37 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 88.
Pope, D. H., McMullen, H., Baschieri, A., Philipose, A., Udeh, C., Diallo, J., & McCoy, D. (2022). What is the current evidence for the relationship between the climate and environmental crises and child marriage? A scoping review. Global Public Health, 1–18.
V.s., B., Sridhar, V., S.h., S., P.v., P., & K.m., S. (2022). Direct and indirect factors associated with child marriage: Evidence from India using NFHS-4 data. Child Abuse & Neglect, 131, 105785.
Siddiqi, M., & Greene, M. E. (2022). Mapping the Field of Child Marriage: Evidence, Gaps, and Future Directions From a Large-Scale Systematic Scoping Review, 2000-2019. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 70(3S), S9–S16.
Edmeades, J. D., MacQuarrie, K. L. D., & Acharya, K. (2022). Child Grooms: Understanding the Drivers of Child Marriage for Boys. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 70(3S), S54–S56.
Psaki, S. R., Melnikas, A. J., Haque, E., Saul, G., Misunas, C., Patel, S. K., Ngo, T., & Amin, S. (2021). What Are the Drivers of Child Marriage? A Conceptual Framework to Guide Policies and Programs. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(6, Supplement), S13–S22.
Yukich, J., Worges, M., Gage, A. J., Hotchkiss, D. R., Preaux, A., Murray, C., & Cappa, C. (2021). Projecting the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Marriage. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 69(6S), S23–S30.
Plesons, M., Travers, E., Malhotra, A., Finnie, A., Maksud, N., Chalasani, S., & Chandra-Mouli, V. (2021). Updated research gaps on ending child marriage and supporting married girls for 2020-2030. Reproductive Health, 18(1), 152.
Greene, M. E., & Siddiqi, M. (2021). Detailed study protocol for systematic scoping review of research on child marriage, 2000-2019. BMJ Open, 11(3), e043845.
United Nations Children’s Fund. (2021). Towards Ending Child Marriage: Global trends and profiles of progress. UNICEF.
Omidakhsh, N., & Heymann, J. (2020). Improved child marriage laws and its association with changing attitudes and experiences of intimate partner violence: a comparative multi-national study. Journal of Global Health, 10(1), 010707.
Sezgin, A. U., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2020). Impacts of early marriage and adolescent pregnancy on mental and somatic health: the role of partner violence. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 23(2), 155–166.
Sezgin, A. U., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2020). Impacts of early marriage and adolescent pregnancy on mental and somatic health: the role of partner violence. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 23(2), 155–166.
Yaya, S., Odusina, E. K., & Bishwajit, G. (2019). Prevalence of child marriage and its impact on fertility outcomes in 34 sub-Saharan African countries. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 19(1), 33.
Misunas, C., Gastón, C. M., & Cappa, C. (2019). Child marriage among boys in high-prevalence countries: an analysis of sexual and reproductive health outcomes. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 19(1), 25.
Pesando, L. M., & Abufhele, A. (2019). Household Determinants of Teen Marriage: Sister Effects Across Four Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries. Studies in Family Planning, sifp.12089.
Bartels, S. A., Michael, S., Roupetz, S., Garbern, S., Kilzar, L., Bergquist, H., Bakhache, N., Davison, C., & Bunting, A. (2018). Making sense of child, early and forced marriage among Syrian refugee girls: a mixed methods study in Lebanon. BMJ Global Health, 3(1), e000509.
Koski, A., Clark, S., & Nandi, A. (2017). Has Child Marriage Declined in sub-Saharan Africa? An Analysis of Trends in 31 Countries: Has Child Marriage Declined in sub-Saharan Africa? Population and Development Review, 43(1), 7–29.
Marphatia, A. A., Ambale, G. S., & Reid, A. M. (2017). Women’s Marriage Age Matters for Public Health: A Review of the Broader Health and Social Implications in South Asia. Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 269.
Kalamar, A. M., Lee-Rife, S., & Hindin, M. J. (2016). Interventions to Prevent Child Marriage Among Young People in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Published and Gray Literature. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 59(3 Suppl), S16-21.
Hutchinson, Waterhouse, March-McDonald, Neal, & Ingham. (2016). Understanding Early Marriage and Transactional Sex In the Context of Armed Conflict: Protection at a Price. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 42(1), 45.
Karam, A. (2015). Faith-Inspired Initiatives to Tackle the Social Determinants of Child Marriage. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 13(3), 59–68.
Parsons, J., Edmeades, J., Kes, A., Petroni, S., Sexton, M., & Wodon, Q. (2015). Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: A Review of the Literature. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 13(3), 12–22.
Smith, C. A., Paulson Stone, R., & Kahando, S. (2012). A model of women’s educational factors related to delaying girls’ marriage. International Review of Education, 58(4), 533–555.
Jain, S., & Kurz, K. (2007). New Insights on Preventing Child Marriage A Global Analysis of Factors and Programs. International Center for Research on Women.
Jaya, V. A. F. T., Kim, Y., & Kang, M. (2024). Cutting through complexity: An intersectional analysis of female genital cutting in Indonesia. Women’s Studies International Forum, 104, 102906.
Presler-Marshall, E., Jones, N., Endale, K., Woldehanna, T., Yadete, W., & Abdiselam, A. (2024). “People will talk about her if she is not circumcised”: Exploring the patterning, drivers and gender norms around female genital mutilation in Ethiopia’s Somali region. Social Science & Medicine, 345, 116664.
Mchenga, M. (2024). Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual Risk Behaviors of Adolescent Girls and Young Women Aged 15–24 Years: Evidence From Sierra Leone. Journal of Adolescent Health, 74(1), 186–193.
Mehriban, N., Zafar Ullah, A. N., Haque, M. I., Harun, M. G. D., Isse, D. M., Muhammad, F., Chowdhury, A. A., Chowdhury, M., Hasan, M. Z., & Dessoffy, T. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of female health care service providers on female genital mutilation in Somalia: A cross-sectional study. Women’s Health, 19, 17455057231199032.
Al-Taj, M. A., & Al-hadari, M. H. (2023). Prevalence and drivers of female genital mutilation/cutting in three coastal governorates in Yemen. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1363.
Ahmed, W., Gebretsadik, E., Gbenou, D., Hien, Y., Dramou, B., Ambelu, H., Hussein, H., Lavussa, J., Mamo, A., Cherono, M., Kessi, M., El Hennawy, H., Gholbzouri, K., Ouedraogo, L., Chilanga, A., Elamin, H., & Pallitto, C. (2023). Lessons learnt in scaling up evidence-based comprehensive health sector responses addressing female genital mutilation in highly prevalent settings. BMJ Global Health, 8(6), e012270.
Matanda, D. J., Van Eekert, N., Croce-Galis, M., Gay, J., Middelburg, M. J., & Hardee, K. (2023). What interventions are effective to prevent or respond to female genital mutilation? A review of existing evidence from 2008–2020. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(5), e0001855.
Diaz, M. P., Brown, A. E., Fleet, J.-A., & Steen, M. (2023). What women want: A reflexive thematic analysis of the healthcare experiences of women with female genital mutilation/cutting in South Australia. Women and Birth, S1871519223000975.
Stevenson, K., & Kelly, B. (2022). New research on the global prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting: Research, clinical, and policy implications. PLoS Medicine, 19(9), e1004096.
Farouki, L., El-Dirani, Z., Abdulrahim, S., Akl, C., Akik, C., & McCall, S. J. (2022). The global prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting: A systematic review and meta-analysis of national, regional, facility, and school-based studies. PLoS Medicine, 19(9), e1004061.
Chen, V. H., Caron, J., Goddard, B., Eng, S. M., & Ades, V. (2022). Polyvictimization and Psychiatric Sequelae Associated with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 24(4), 1020–1028.
El-Dirani, Z., Farouki, L., Akl, C., Ali, U., Akik, C., & McCall, S. J. (2022). Factors associated with female genital mutilation: a systematic review and synthesis of national, regional and community-based studies. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 48(3), 169–178.
World Health Organization. (2022). Integrating female genital mutilation content into nursing and midwifery curricula: a practical guide. World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. (2022). Person-centred communication for female genital mutilation prevention: a facilitator’s guide for training health-care providers. World Health Organization.
UNICEF. (2022). Female genital mutilation (FGM).
The Lancet Public Health, null. (2021). COVID-19 hindering progress against female genital mutilation. The Lancet. Public Health, 6(3), e136.
World Health Organization. (2021). Ethical considerations in research on female genital mutilation. World Health Organization.
Fagbamigbe, A. F., Morhason-Bello, I. O., Kareem, Y. O., & Idemudia, E. S. (2021). Hierarchical modelling of factors associated with the practice and perpetuation of female genital mutilation in the next generation of women in Africa. PloS One, 16(4), e0250411.
Dawson, A., Rashid, A., Shuib, R., Wickramage, K., Budiharsana, M., Hidayana, I. M., & Marranci, G. (2020). Addressing female genital mutilation in the Asia Pacific: the neglected sustainable development target. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(1), 8–10.
World Health Organization. (2020). Female Genital Mutilation Cost Calculator.
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Leye, E., Van Eekert, N., Shamu, S., Esho, T., Barrett, H., & ANSER. (2019). Debating medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): learning from (policy) experiences across countries. Reproductive Health, 16(1), 158.
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Nabaneh, S., & Muula, A. S. (2019). Female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa: A complex legal and ethical landscape. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics: The Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 145(2), 253–257.
Kandala, N.-B., & Shell-Duncan, B. (2019). Trends in female genital mutilation/cutting in Senegal: what can we learn from successive household surveys in sub-Saharan African countries? International Journal for Equity in Health, 18(1), 25.
Kandala, N.-B., Ezejimofor, M. C., Uthman, O. A., & Komba, P. (2018). Secular trends in the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting among girls: a systematic analysis. BMJ Global Health, 3(5), e000549.
World Health Organization. (2018). Care of girls and women living with female genital mutilation: a clinical handbook. World Health Organization.
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Khosla, R., Banerjee, J., Chou, D., Say, L., & Fried, S. T. (2017). Gender equality and human rights approaches to female genital mutilation: a review of international human rights norms and standards. Reproductive Health, 14(1), 59.
Doucet, M.-H., Pallitto, C., & Groleau, D. (2017). Understanding the motivations of health-care providers in performing female genital mutilation: an integrative review of the literature. Reproductive Health, 14(1), 46.
Koski, A., & Heymann, J. (2017). Thirty-year trends in the prevalence and severity of female genital mutilation: a comparison of 22 countries. BMJ Global Health, 2(4), e000467.
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Simpson, J., Robinson, K., Creighton, S. M., & Hodes, D. (2012). Female genital mutilation: the role of health professionals in prevention, assessment, and management. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 344, e1361.
Villacampa, C. (2024). Honour-based violence: Legal and institutional approaches in Spain. Women’s Studies International Forum, 103, 102890.
AlQahtani, S. M., Almutairi, D. S., BinAqeel, E. A., Almutairi, R. A., Al-Qahtani, R. D., & Menezes, R. G. (2022). Honor Killings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Narrative Review. Healthcare, 11(1), 74.
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