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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Practice Based Knowledge

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Practice Based Knowledge

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Explore a wealth of resources on practice based knowledge, including reports, guides, and informative podcasts, all aimed at enhancing our understanding of the on-the-ground violence against women and violence against children prevention and response programmes and services.

Diakite, S., & Elizaire, D. (2023). Learning from Practice: Final Synthesis Review of the Practice Based Knowledge arising on the Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls. United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women; UN Women.
Raising Voices. (2022). Nurturing & Elevating Practice-Based Learning (Learning from  Practice Series Organizational Perspectives). Raising Voices.
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. (2022). Learning from practice: Strengthening a legal and policy environment to prevent violence against women and girls.
AWDF. (2021). Generating Knowledge and Evidence on the Prevention of Violence Against Women: An Introductory Guide for African Women’s Organisations. African Women’s Development Fund.
Raising Voices, & SVRI. (2020). Learning together: A guide for feminist practice in violence against women and girls research collaborations. Raising Voices.
Prevention Collaborative. (2019). Elevating Practice-Based Knowledge to Improve Prevention Programming: A Prevention Collaborative Paper. Prevention Collaborative.
Palm, S., & Clowes, A. (2019). Learning from Practice: Approaches to Capture and Apply Practice-Based Knowledge PRACTICE BRIEF Programming to Prevent Violence Against Women.
Prevention Collaborative. (2019). What is Practice-based Knowledge [Video recording].
Unpacking practice-based learning for practitioners and activists preventing violence against women and children. (n.d.). Raising Voices. Retrieved November 14, 2024, from
WELCOME! | SHINE. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (n.d.). Practise-Based Knowledge Podcast [Audio recording].
Prevention Collaborative. (n.d.). Practice-based Knowledge.
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