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The SVRI is committed to increasing and strengthening action-oriented research and its uptake to improve and expand violence against women and violence against children prevention and response efforts globally. This page provides key resources on research uptake and its dissemination.

Campbell, J. K., Nicolla, S., Weissman, D. M., & Moracco, K. E. (2024). The Uptake and Measurement of Alternative Approaches to Domestic Violence Intervention Programs: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380241244398.
Maternowska, M. C., Gould, C., Amisi, M. M., & van der Heyde, J. (2024). INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children—exploring knowledge uptake, use and impact. Child Protection and Practice, 1, 100008.
Yount, K. M., Comeau, D., Blake, S. C., Sales, J., Sacks, M., Nicol, H., Bergenfeld, I., Kalokhe, A. S., Stein, A. D., Whitaker, D. J., Parrott, D., & Van, H. T. H. (2023). Consortium for violence prevention research, leadership training, and implementation for excellence (CONVERGE): a protocol to train science leaders in gender-based-violence and violence-against-children research for impact. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
Pino, A. (2022). Why you do what you do? The Pathways to Research Impact SVRI online course. SVRI Blog.
Ramsoomar, L., Ladbury, R., & Jewkes, R. (2021). Research uptake, lessons from a multi-country global programme: What Works to Prevent Violence against women and girls. Development in Practice, 31(8), 1096–1108.
Cameron, J., Humphreys, C., Kothari, A., & Hegarty, K. (2020). Exploring the knowledge translation of domestic violence research: A literature review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(6), 1898–1914.
Boulding, H., Kamenetzky, A., Ghiga, I., Ioppolo, B., Herrera, F., Parks, S., Manville, C., Guthrie, S., & Hinrichs-Krapels, S. (2020). Mechanisms and pathways to impact in public health research: a preliminary analysis of research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). BMC Medical Research Methodology, 20(1), 34.
Raising Voices, & SVRI. (2020). Learning together: A guide for feminist practice in violence against women and girls research collaborations. Raising Voices.
Lloyd-Laney, M., Crawford, S., & Bradley, T. (2020). Research uptake – The impact journey is often a long and winding road. DFID’s What Works to Prevent VAWG Programme, IMC Worldwide.
Raising Voices, & SVRI. (2020). Aprendiendo juntas y juntos: Una guía para la práctica feminista en las colaboraciones de investigación sobre la violencia contra mujeres y niños. Raising Voices.
Lloyd-Laney, M., Crawford, S., & Bradley, T. (2020). What Works to Prevent VAWG: Research and Innovation Programme - Thematic Paper 2: Research Uptake - The Impact Journey is Often a Long and Winding Road. DFID’s What Works to Prevent VAWG Programme.
Bayley, J., & Phipps, D. (2019). Extending the concept of research impact literacy: levels of literacy, institutional role and ethical considerations. Emerald Open Research, 1, 14.
Sreenan, N., Hinrichs-Krapels, S., Pollitt, A., Rawlings, S., Grant, J., Wilkinson, B., Pow, R., & Kinloch, E. (2019). Impact by design: Planning your research impact in 7Cs. Emerald Open Research, 1, 18.
Lawrence, L. M., Bishop, A., & Curran, J. (2019). Integrated Knowledge Translation with Public Health Policy Makers: A Scoping Review. Healthcare Policy = Politiques De Sante, 14(3), 55–77.
Plichta, S. B. (2018). Translating Research to Practice for Sexual Minority Youth Affected by Intimate Partner Violence. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 62(6), 647–648.
Adam, P., Ovseiko, P. V., Grant, J., Graham, K. E. A., Boukhris, O. F., Dowd, A.-M., Balling, G. V., Christensen, R. N., Pollitt, A., Taylor, M., Sued, O., Hinrichs-Krapels, S., Solans-Domènech, M., Chorzempa, H., & International School on Research Impact Assessment (ISRIA). (2018). ISRIA statement: ten-point guidelines for an effective process of research impact assessment. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16(1), 8.
Malla, C., Aylward, P., & Ward, P. (2018). Knowledge translation for public health in low- and middle- income countries: a critical interpretive synthesis. Global Health Research and Policy, 3, 29.
Tilley, H., Ball, L., & Cassidy, C. (2018). Research Excellence Framework (REF) impact toolkit. Overseas Development Institute.
MacDonald, R. (2017). “Impact”, research and slaying Zombies: the pressures and possibilities of the REF. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37(11–12), 696–710.
Birken, S. A., Bunger, A. C., Powell, B. J., Turner, K., Clary, A. S., Klaman, S. L., Yu, Y., Whitaker, D. J., Self, S. R., Rostad, W. L., Chatham, J. R. S., Kirk, M. A., Shea, C. M., Haines, E., & Weiner, B. J. (2017). Organizational theory for dissemination and implementation research. Implementation Science: IS, 12(1), 62.
Conalogue, D. M., Kinn, S., Mulligan, J.-A., & McNeil, M. (2017). International consultation on long-term global health research priorities, research capacity and research uptake in developing countries. Health Research Policy and Systems, 15(1), 24.
Smokowski, P. R., Cotter, K. L., Guo, S., & Evans, C. B. R. (2017). Scaling Up a Multifaceted Violence Prevention Package: County-Level Impact of the North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 8(1), 19–44.
Huggett, L. (2017). Research Uptake Roundtable: Episode 3 Summary. Research to Action.
Tilley, H., Shaxson, L., Rea, J., Ball, L., & Young, J. (2017). 10 things to know about how to influence policy with research. ODI.
Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University and Save the Children for the U.S. Agency for International Development. (2016). Scaling Up Normative Change Interventions for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health. Washington, D.C., USA.
MacGregor, J. C. D., Wathen, N., Kothari, A., Hundal, P. K., & Naimi, A. (2014). Strategies to promote uptake and use of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment knowledge: an integrative review. BMC Public Health, 14, 862.
Glasgow, R. E., Vinson, C., Chambers, D., Khoury, M. J., Kaplan, R. M., & Hunter, C. (2012). National Institutes of Health Approaches to Dissemination and Implementation Science: Current and Future Directions. American Journal of Public Health, 102(7), 1274–1281.
Weiss, E., Mukasa, S., Ellsberg, M., Abrahams, N., Mathews, S., Michau, L., Kemitare, J., & Young, M. (2012). Strengthening research and action on gender-based violence in Africa. International Center for Research on Women.
Wathen, C. N., Sibbald, S. L., Jack, S. M., & Macmillan, H. L. (2011). Talk, trust and time: a longitudinal study evaluating knowledge translation and exchange processes for research on violence against women. Implementation Science: IS, 6, 102.
Sumner, A., Crichton, J., Theobald, S., Zulu, E., & Parkhurst, J. (2011). What shapes research impact on policy? Understanding research uptake in sexual and reproductive health policy processes in resource poor contexts. Health Research Policy and Systems, 9 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S3.
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission). (2010). Communicating research for evidence-based policymaking : a practical guide for researchers in socio-economic sciences and humanities. Publications Office of the European Union.
Spangaro, J. (2007). Eleven obstacles to translating research into policy on gender-based violence. Evidence & Policy, 3(4), 553–566.
Dobbins, M., Ciliska, D., Cockerill, R., Barnsley, J., & DiCenso, A. (2002). A Framework for the Dissemination and Utilization of Research for Health-Care Policy and Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, E9(1), 149–160.
Waddell, C. (2001). So much research evidence, so little dissemination and uptake: mixing the useful with the pleasing. BMJ Ment Health, 4(1), 3–5.
Learning together - A guide for feminist practice in violence against women and girls research collaborations. (n.d.). SVRI. Retrieved October 18, 2023, from
Pathways to Research Impact. (n.d.). SVRI. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from
Tools - ExpandNet. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2023, from
Making Research Findings Actionable: A Quick Reference to Communicating Health Information for Decision-Making — MEASURE Evaluation. (n.d.). [Publication]. Retrieved October 18, 2023, from
Research to Action (R2A): The Global Guide to Research Impact. (n.d.). Research to Action.
Research Impact Canada: Turning Research into Action. (n.d.). Research Impact Canada.
Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (n.d.). Online course: Pathways to Research Impact.
UK Research and Innovation. (n.d.). Impact toolkit for economic and social sciences.
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