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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Research priority setting

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Research priority setting

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

What are research priorities and why are they important?

“Without priorities, development is blind. With priorities, the science and innovation sectors can flourish to support development, equity and health.” COHRED (2010)

Violence against women and violence against children is a multi-dimensional issue, requiring multi-dimensional tailored responses for different settings. Developing a set of research priorities for the field whilst challenging is not impossible, and will be highly beneficial, in that the identification of evidence gaps and highlighting priority areas for research can guide research expenditure and ensure precious research resources are spent effectively. Priority setting will assist researchers, funders, practitioners, and policy-makers with research planning, fund-raising and serve as a signal to stakeholders in the areas of research that have been identified as being important.

Priority setting will advance the field in a more systematic way, ensure that research efforts make the best use of limited resources, and over time serve as a monitoring tool for the field, continuously mapping progress. Our vision for the future is for colleagues to apply to us for funding to undertake topic specific priority setting workshops and studies.

SVRI’s role in developing research priorities

Through rigorous consultative review processes, the SVRI works together with various partners, members, and thought leaders to identify, validate, and disseminate research priorities. Multiple information sources and consensus-building help ensure ownership of the outcome by the field.

These processes are conducted regularly in order to respond to emerging needs and ongoing developments in the field. The priorities broadly set out the research needs of the field, informed by several sources and processes. These include scans of major concerns/issues in the field, literature reviews, stakeholder interviews / online survey, and a Delphi process with key leaders in the field – ensuring that they represent a wide array of stakeholders across sectors, along with reviews of key themes emerging from SVRI Forums, and proposal topics submitted to SVRI and UNTF and other key stakeholders. The priorities are published online, shared via online webinars and SVRI Update.

Current and upcoming priority setting activities

Global shared research agenda on VAWG

SVRI, in partnership with Equality Institute and with support from Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, are leading research priority setting for the VAWG field.

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Regional VAWG research priorities

SVRI will build on the Global Shared Research Agenda by conducting a regional analysis of research and evidence to understand regional needs and patterns for VAWG research.

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VAC prevention research priorities

This research agenda will contribute to building knowledge in a more systematic way, ensure that research efforts make the best use of limited resources, and serve to monitor progress over time.

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