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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Supporting Research

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Supporting Research

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

A key goal of the SVRI is to strengthening the evidence base to improve policies and programmes to respond and prevent violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) where it intersects with VAW, with a focus in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Key actions for this goal include:

1. Support and fund innovative research on VAW and VAC in LMICs:

  • Identify and support innovative research
  • Provide technical guidance to researchers from LMICs

2. Identify, amplify, debate and disseminate new knowledge and trends in the field:

  • Refine and advance a research agenda on key gaps in knowledge and practice
  • Distil, synthesise and disseminate information on topical issues

Research Priority Setting

Through rigorous consultative review processes, the SVRI works together with various partners, members, and thought leaders to identify, validate, and disseminate research priorities. Multiple information sources and consensus-building help ensure ownership of the outcome by the field.

These processes are conducted regularly in order to respond to emerging needs and ongoing developments in the field. The priorities broadly set out the research needs of the field, informed by several sources and processes. These include scans of major concerns/issues in the field, literature reviews, stakeholder interviews / online survey, and a Delphi process with key leaders in the field – ensuring that they represent a wide array of stakeholders across sectors, along with reviews of key themes emerging from SVRI Forums, and proposal topics submitted to SVRI and UNTF and other key stakeholders. The priorities are published online, shared via online webinars and SVRI Update.

Read more about our current work on developing a Global Shared Research Agenda on VAWG here.

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