Blog Hope for change: the desire to redefine gender roles in the home Violence against women and violence against children intersect in many ways, often within the same family. Parenting programmes offer a promising avenue to address both simultaneously, given the impact that family… November 30, 2021
Blog To research or not to research during Covid -19? Knowledge for action to end violence against women and violence against children is needed more than ever ‘The economics of violence are simple and devastating. No one gains. Everyone loses, and we have to turn this around. As we face COVID-19’s devastation, there has never been a more important… August 10, 2021
Blog Joining forces to develop a research agenda on intersections of violence against children and violence against women SVRI, UNICEF Innocenti, and HRP hosted by WHO are joining efforts to develop a global research agenda on the intersections between VAW and VAC. There is growing global recognition of the… April 12, 2021
Blog Refugee Children and Intimate Partner Violence: Part II How to boost the resilience of children exposed to IPV While many behaviors signal a child in distress, no behavior in and of itself is diagnostic of a child exposed… October 29, 2018
Blog Refugee Children and Intimate Partner Violence: Part I Effects of exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) on refugee children and ways to reduce this exposure by helping their mothers achieve safety Children suffer when they witness conflict and… October 18, 2018
Blog Pathways between childhood trauma, intimate partner violence, and harsh parenting: findings from the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific Child maltreatment and intimate partner violence (IPV) are global public health issues. While violence against children (VAC) and violence against women (VAW) have generally been addressed separately, more recently researchers… May 24, 2017
Blog Opportunities for Prevention: Addressing the Intersections of VAW & VAC? Around the world, violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) are happening in the same communities, homes, and families. Prevalence estimates are sparse, though existing data (largely from… October 26, 2016