Blog Reflections on the violence against women and girls research field In her remarks during the Opening Plenary at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2017, Dr Emma Fulu, Director of The Equality Institute, presented how she sees the current state of… October 5, 2018
Blog Tackling social norms that drive violence against women in Tunisia: Reflections from the SVRI Forum 2017 Gendered social norms often look quite similar across societies and cultures — many people believe that men are breadwinners, while women are natural homemakers; men are better leaders while women are too… April 4, 2018
Blog What’s family planning got to do with intimate partner violence? Exchanging with experts at the 2017 SVRI Forum In September 2017, IRH and partners traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to present at the Sexual Violence Research Institute (SVRI) Forum and share experiences with 500 other experts working to prevent and respond… December 14, 2017
Blog Highlights from the SVRI forum 2017 STRIVE participated in the 5th International Conference of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (link is external) held in Rio, Brazil, 18–21 September 2017. The global event brought together more than 450 researchers,… October 20, 2017
Blog Four Takeaways from Global Forum on Preventing Violence Against Women From September 18-21, more than 500 researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and activists gathered in Rio de Janeiro for the 5th Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum, to share quantitative and qualitative… October 19, 2017
Blog A passion stirred Rio was amazing! The captivating experience of flying over the Atlantic, the breath-taking and incredibly refreshing environment, the lovely food, the warm people, the beautiful sea…. simply amazing! More than… October 18, 2017
Blog When over 500 minds converge to prevent gender-based violence Late last month, over 500 researchers, policymakers, donors and activists descended on the beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the 5th bi-annual Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum, the largest global… October 10, 2017
Blog Tested VAW Prevention Interventions: Adapt or Tear Apart? Over the years, several innovations have been developed and tested to address violence against women(VAW) and girls. These interventions seek to strengthen prevention and/or response to violence against women and… September 28, 2017
Blog Children’s voice in Sexual Violence Research and Programming: For how long will they remain silent? Nearly 1 in 5 girls (approximately 20%) are sexually abused at least once in their life globally. Child sexual abuse remains a pressing public health concern in Kenya with three out of… September 20, 2017
Blog Partnership for Policy Action: SVRI Forum 2017 officially opens in Rio, Brazil The Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2017 was officially declared open on 18th September 2017 at Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel in the beauty city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was… September 20, 2017