Technical Briefing session 1 – watch the webinar recording and listen to the audio recording.
Technical Briefing session 2 – watch the webinar recording and listen to the audio recording.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can either answer ‘I don’t know’ or leave it blank
Yes, the survey will be available in different languages. At the moment it will be available in the following languages, English, Spanish, and French. However, we are still in discussion and will be looking at other solutions to ensure that other languages are included.
Yes, we want as many distinct and diverse views to be included as possible, this means you and your colleagues. This will be done by establishing a democratic and transparent process. We need you to be the advocates for the process, therefore feel free to share and invite your colleagues to participate.
Encourage your colleagues to go to our blog which describes the process and includes a link to sign up to the global expert group who will then help generate and rate the questions. Please click on the following links for the blog as well as some additional information:…
The GSRA and VAW research is available at:
Will the policy research include survivors’ experiences of services and their views on improvements?
It could, it all depends on the type of research questions we get from the field. If you feel like your specific priority question does not fit into the domains, please use the “OTHER” category. That is the reason we have made it available because we recognise that the domains may not have included what the field sees as a priority. We would go back and redefine those, because we are committed to transparency and a democratic process.
We would love that and have a responsibility as the global expert group to ensure that we get individuals outside our group to engage in this process as we know how complex problems can only be solved by having multiple voices and processes like this to ensure that we have a more nuanced process.
How will the process involve the differential drivers and priorities for violence LGBTI communities?
We do want to take an intersectional lens so a lot of this depends on what research questions are submitted for prioritisation. The domains are extremely broad so that they can be inclusive. If there are specific questions and intersectional focused, please include them. If you feel like they don’t fit under any domain, please put them in the “OTHER” section so we can make sure that it is well reflected in the process.
The questions will be rephrased to be more inclusive of those that do not necessarily have a research or scientific background to ensure inclusivity and transparency.
To eliminate bias, we would ask you the following questions when you do the scoring, “What you do? Where are you based? Do you see yourself as a prevention scientist, advocate, or NGO supporter?” These questions will help us disaggregate and see whether you are a prevention scientist researcher and how your scores might differ from the implementers on the ground or the policy-makers for instance. An example of this can be found in the global shared research agenda.
Domain 2 focusses on the intervention services research, that would be, implementations, signs, and understanding the process evaluations and impacts of those evaluations. So in essence it aims to understand the effects the interventions have. Whereas, domain 4 is much broader and looks at how these two sectors coordinate or collaborate in different ways and it could be at a service, research, policy, or multiple levels that are not only focused on interventions.