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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Research for Impact

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Research for Impact

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Sexual Violence Research Agenda

Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (2006). Sexual Violence Research Agenda. Pretoria: SVRI. Abstract To strengthen our understanding of rape and sexual violence, and ultimately prevent it, we need to ensure that the research undertaken is both priority driven and carried out…


SVRI Forum 2013: Conference report

Dartnall, E., & Loots, L. (2014). SVRI Forum 2013: Conference report. Pretoria: SVRI Abstract  In support of its goal, the SVRI hosts a bi-annual, international conference: The SVRI Forum. SVRI Forums provide a platform for researchers, practitioners and others to…


SVRI Forum 2011 conference report

Dartnall, E., & Loots, L. (2012). SVRI Forum 2011 conference report. Sexual Violence Research Initiative. Abstract The SVRI’s bi-annual Forums provide researchers, practitioners and others with a platform to share and disseminate methodological experiences and research findings, and a dynamic…


SVRI Forum 2009: Conference Report

Dartnall, L., & Loots, L. (2009). SVRI Forum 2009: Conference Report. Pretoria: SVRI.  Abstract In July 2009, 194 people from around the world came together to share and discuss research on sexual violence. The Sexual Violence Research Initiative, hosts of…


Sexual Violence Research Initiative: An Evaluation

Van Zyl, H., Dartnall, E., & Swanevelder, S. (2008). Sexual Violence Research Initiative: An Evaluation. Pretoria: SVRI. Abstract The Sexual Violence Research Initiative has been providing materials and resources on sexual violence to its members since 2003. During this time…


Sexual Violence Research Initiative Annual Report

Sexual Violence Research Initiative. (2007). Sexual Violence Research Initiative Annual Report. Pretoria: SVRI. Abstract The SVRI contributes to eliminating sexual violence by simultaneously addressing the lack of research on the different aspects of sexual violence as well as drawing the…

Svri And Partner Products (24)

Group calls for more research on sexual violence

Human Rights Feature. (2007). Group calls for more research on sexual violence. The New Humanitarian. Abstract  Though sexual violence affects millions around the world every year, deeply entrenched cultural taboos and a lack of political leadership have historically left the…

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