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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Papua New Guinea

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Papua New Guinea

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Papua New Guinea

Aboagye, R. G., Asare, B. Y.-A., Adu, C., Cadri, A., Seidu, A.-A., Ahinkorah, B. O., & Yaya, S. (2023). Exposure to interparental violence and justification of intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea. BMC Women’s Health, 23, 122.
Cadri, A., Aboagye, R. G., Boadu Frimpong, J., Yeboah, P. A., Seidu, A.-A., & Ahinkorah, B. O. (2023). Partner alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey. BMJ Open, 13(3), e066486.
Ahinkorah, B. O., Aboagye, R. G., Cadri, A., Salihu, T., Seidu, A.-A., & Yaya, S. (2023). Exposure to interparental violence and intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea. BMC Women’s Health, 23, 48.
Nikolova, K., Cardenas, I., Steiner, J. J., & Khetarpal, R. (2023). Women’s Help-Seeking in China and Papua New Guinea: Factors That Impact Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. SAGE Open, 13(4), 21582440231221330.
Weikum, D., Kelly-Hanku, A., Neo-Boli, R., Aeno, H., Badman, S. G., Vallely, L. M., Willie, B., Kupul, M., Hou, P., Amos, A., Narokobi, R., Pekon, S., Coy, K., Wapling, J., Gare, J., Kaldor, J. M., Vallely, A. J., & Hakim, A. J. (2022). Sexual and reproductive health needs and practices of female sex workers in Papua New Guinea: findings from a biobehavioral survey Kauntim mi tu (‘Count me too’). Archives of Public Health, 80, 202.
Survivor-Centred Justice for Gender-Based Violence in Complex Situations. Research report informed by case studies from Afghanistan, Honduras, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, South Sudan, and Tunisia. (2022, July 6). IDLO - International Development Law Organization.
Laslett, A., Kuntsche, S., Wilson, I. M., Taft, A., Fulu, E., Jewkes, R., & Graham, K. (2022). The relationship between fathers’ heavy episodic drinking and fathering involvement in five Asia‐Pacific countries: An individual participant data meta‐analysis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46(12), 2137–2148.
Hakim, A. J., Coy, K., Badman, S. G., Willie, B., Narokobi, R., Gabuzzi, J., Pekon, S., Kupul, M., Hou, P., Aeno, H., Boli, R. N., Nembari, J., Ase, S., Amos, A., Dala, N., Weikum, D., Callens, S., Kaldor, J. M., Vallely, A. J., … on behalf of the Kauntim mi tu Study Team. (2019). One size does not fit all: HIV prevalence and correlates of risk for men who have sex with men, transgender women in multiple cities in Papua New Guinea. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 623.
Eves, R., Kouro, with G., Simiha, S., & Irene Subalik. (2018). Do no harm research: Papua New Guinea. Australian National University, Department of Pacific Affairs, IWDA, Australian Aid.,%20Do%20No%20Harm%20Report%20PNG,%202018.pdf
Eves, R., Kouro, with G., Simiha, S., & Irene Subalik. (2018). Do no harm research: Bougainville. Australian National University, Department of Pacific Affairs, IWDA, Australian Aid.
Jewkes, R., Jama-Shai, N., & Sikweyiya, Y. (2017). Enduring impact of conflict on mental health and gender-based violence perpetration in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea: A cross-sectional study. PLoS One, 12(10), e0186062.
Alison Barclay, Kirsten Doyle and Dr. Melissa Russell of Alison Barclay, & Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson. (2017). Evidence-informed innovation for the prevention of family and community violence in Papua New Guinea. Community Healing and Rebuilding Program. Oxfam.
Kelly-Hanku, A., Aeno, H., Wilson, L., Eves, R., Mek, A., Nake Trumb, R., Whittaker, M., Fitzgerald, L., Kaldor, J. M., & Vallely, A. (2016). Transgressive women don’t deserve protection: young men’s narratives of sexual violence against women in rural Papua New Guinea. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 18(11), 1207–1220.
Lokuge, K., Verputten, M., Ajakali, M., Tolboom, B., Joshy, G., Thurber, K. A., Plana, D., Howes, S., Wakon, A., & Banks, E. (2016). Health Services for Gender-Based Violence: Médecins Sans Frontières Experience Caring for Survivors in Urban Papua New Guinea. PLOS ONE, 11(6), e0156813.
Hameed, S., Breckenridge, J., Bennett, P., Mafileo, T., Simeon, L., & Steven, H. (2016). Local Context Matters: Developing Good Practice in Workplace Responses to Family and Sexual Violence in Papua New Guinea. SAGE Open, 6(3), 215824401665714.
Richard Eves. (2016). The relationship between violence against women and women’s economic empowerment in Bougainville. Australian National University.,%20Womens%20Economic%20Empowerment%20Bougainville,%202016.pdf
Richard Eves. (2015). Alcohol, gender and violence in Bougainville. Australian National University.,%20Alcohol,%20Gender%20&%20Violence%20Bougainville,%202016.pdf
Rachel Jewkes, Emma Fulu, Yandisa Sikweyiya. (2015). Family, health and safety study. Autonomous region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. Summary report. Partners for Prevention.
ChildFund Australia. (2013). Stop violence against women and children in Papua New Guinea. ChildFund Australia.
FHI 360. (2013). Exploring gender based violence among men who have sex with men, male sex workers and transgender communities in Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea: Results and recommendations. FHI 360.
Lewis, I. R. (2012). At Risk: The Relationship between Experiences of Child Sexual Abuse and Women’s HIV Status in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21(3), 273–294.
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