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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Solomon Islands

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Solomon Islands

Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Solomon Islands

Sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence in Solomon Islands: A review of policy and legislation. (2022, November 8). UNFPA Pacific Island Countries.
Honda, T., Homan, S., Leung, L., Bennett, A., Fulu, E., & Fisher, J. (2022). Community mobilisation in the framework of supportive social environment to prevent family violence in Solomon Islands. World Development, 152, 105799.
S., Honda, T., Leung, L., Fulu, E. & Fisher. (2019). Transforming harmful gender norms in Solomon Islands: A study of the Oxfam Safe Families Program. The Equality Institute, Monash University, Oxfam Australia.
Eves, R., Lusby, and S., Araia, with T., Maeni, M.-F., & Rose Martin. (2018). Do no harm research: Solomon Islands. Australian National University, Department of Pacific Affairs, IWDA, Australian Aid.
Richard Eves. (2017). Conflicts over credit: Challenges to women’s economic empowerment in Solomon Islands. Australian National University.,%20Conflicts%20over%20Credit,%202017.pdf
World Health Organization. (2013). Violence against women in Solomon Islands: Translating research into policy and action on the social determinants of health. WHO.
Ministry of Women, Youth & Children Affairs. Solomon Islands Government. (2010). Solomon Islands: National Policy on Eliminating Violence Against Women.
Intersections: “Raits blong mere”? Framing Human Rights and Gender Relations in Solomon Islands. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
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