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Svri Strat Design Assets 06


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Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Makate, M., & Nyamuranga, C. (2024). Changing the mindsets? Education and the intergenerational spread of tolerance for physical violence against women in Zimbabwe. Economics & Human Biology, 52, 101345.
Devries, K., Cerna-Turoff, I., Fabbri, C., Turner, E., Nyakuwa, R., Nherera, C. M., Nhenga-Chakarisa, T., Nengomasha, B. C., & Moyo, R. (2023). Exploring children’s formal help-seeking behaviour for violence in Zimbabwe: analysis of national survey and routine service provider data. BMJ Open, 13(5), e067818.
Muzavazi, W., Makochekanwa, A., Moyo, S., Mhloyi, M., & Mundau, M. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of the Causes of Gender-Based Violence Against Women Between Low and High-Income Households in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2138104.
Turner, E., Cerna-Turoff, I., Nyakuwa, R., Nhenga-Chakarisa, T., Muchemwa Nherera, C., Parkes, J., Rudo Nangati, P., Nengomasha, B., Moyo, R., & Devries, K. (2022). Referral of sexual violence against children: How do children and caregivers use a formal child protection mechanism in Harare, Zimbabwe? SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100184.
Cerna-Turoff, I., Nyakuwa, R., Turner, E., Nherera, C. M., Nhenga-Chakarisa, T., & Devries, K. (2022). National COVID-19 lockdown and trends in help-seeking for violence against children in Zimbabwe: an interrupted time-series analysis. BMC Public Health, 22, 2116.
Machisa, M., & Shamu, S. (2022). Associations between depressive symptoms, socio-economic factors, traumatic exposure and recent intimate partner violence experiences among women in Zimbabwe: a cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health, 22(1), 248.
Iman’ishimwe Mukamana, J., Machakanja, P., & Adjei, N. K. (2020). Trends in prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence against women in Zimbabwe, 2005-2015. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 20(1), e2.
Shamu, S., Munjanja, S., Zarowsky, C., Shamu, P., Temmerman, M., & Abrahams, N. (2018). Intimate partner violence, forced first sex and adverse pregnancy outcomes in a sample of Zimbabwean women accessing maternal and child health care. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 595.
Machisa, M., & Shamu, S. (2018). Mental ill health and factors associated with men’s use of intimate partner violence in Zimbabwe. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 376.
Hensen, B., Hargreaves, J. R., Chiyaka, T., Chabata, S., Mushati, P., Floyd, S., Birdthistle, I., Busza, J., & Cowan, F. (2018). Evaluating the impact of DREAMS on HIV incidence among young women who sell sex: protocol for a non-randomised study in Zimbabwe. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 203.
Sithole, Z., Gombe, N. T., Juru, T., Chonzi, P., Shambira, G., Nsubuga, P., & Tshimanga, M. (2018). Evaluation of sexual and gender-based violence program in Harare City, Zimbabwe, 2016: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Pan African Medical Journal, 31, e200.
Chigiji, H., Fry, D., Mwadiwa, T. E., Elizalde, A., Izumi, N., Baago-Rasmussen, L., & Maternowska, M. C. (2018). Risk factors and health consequences of physical and emotional violence against children in Zimbabwe: a nationally representative survey. BMJ Global Health, 3(3), e000533.
Shamu, S., Zarowsky, C., Roelens, K., Temmerman, M., & Abrahams, N. (2016). High-frequency intimate partner violence during pregnancy, postnatal depression and suicidal tendencies in Harare, Zimbabwe. General Hospital Psychiatry, 38, 109–114.
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Birdthistle, I. J., Floyd, S., Mwanasa, S., Nyagadza, A., Gwiza, E., & Glynn, J. R. (2011). Child sexual abuse and links to HIV and orphanhood in urban Zimbabwe. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(12), 1075–1082.
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