Blog Beyond the methodology: The possibilities and pitfalls of intellectual property and open source in the context of gender-transformative social norms change Think back to your journey as a student, mulling through lengthy textbooks. How did it feel reading the textbook quietly on your own? How did that experience differ while reading… October 16, 2024
Blog Is ethical review a barrier to research on violence against women and violence against children in low and middle income countries? Introduction Violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) are sensitive topics. Undertaking research in these areas poses some unique methodological and ethical challenges, including issues of safety; confidentiality;… October 19, 2023
Blog “Children are like Vuvuzela’s”: Interviewing children for violence research We live in a society where children are often not taken seriously. A society that says children should be seen and not heard. I believe it’s time that we do… December 13, 2022
Blog Urgent need for safeguarding and referral guidelines for violence research studies that involve children and young people: Reflections from the SVRI Forum 2022 Most researchers who conduct violence research studies that involve children and young people1 recognize the critical importance of having a safeguarding2 and referral approach as a major ethical consideration in the design… December 12, 2022
Blog Researching Online Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) against Teens and Young People in Nepal – Challenges and Responses In this blog we talk about some of the challenges we faced in conducting the research and share the solutions we found to overcome them. In so doing, we hope… November 28, 2022
Blog Hacia el impacto de los datos. La importancia de la cooperación multidisciplinar para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas La violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas es un problema social, de salud pública y derechos humanos a la vez que multidimensional y multifactorial (Bott et al., 2012; Garcia-Moreno… November 3, 2022
Blog What can we change? Five key challenges in adapting intimate partner violence prevention programs to new contexts Over the last few decades, the evidence base on effective strategies to prevent and reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) has grown. More and more program implementers and organizations are interested… April 7, 2022
Blog Enhancing Social Norms Programs: An Invitation to Rethink “Scaling Up” from a Feminist Perspective Over the last four years CUSP has reflected critically on what it takes to adapt and scale our approaches effectively and ethically. During 2020 and 2021 we focused on what we… March 7, 2022
Blog Co-developing ethical principles for a VAW prevention intervention in Samoa: centring community identity, history and cultural values Implementing rigorous ethical procedures is paramount when conducting research on violence against women (VAW) because of the potential physical and psychological safety risks posed by participating in, and conducting, such… January 6, 2022
Blog The use of WhatsApp for focus group discussions in violence prevention research in Zimbabwe In pursuit of integrating the prevention of violence against women AND violence against children into the Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) programme for Teens - and in the scope of a study funded… December 3, 2021