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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Launch of the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Launch of the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda

Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Tfgbv Launch Report (1)

Launch of the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda

    To help the field address key knowledge gaps that hamper the delivery of effective response and prevention programmes to end tech-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), the SVRI, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), UN Women, and the Global Partnership to End Online Abuse and Harassment have been working in partnership to co-facilitate a research priority-setting exercise.

    In this webinar, held on September 19, 2024, at 3 pm SAST/CEST, we discussed the findings of the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda and how different stakeholders could disseminate and utilize it to effectively address TFGBV.

    Webinar Recording

    Arabic interpretation
    French interpretation
    Spanish interpretation


    Moderator: Raphaëlle Rafin, UN Women


    Slide deck: Launch of the TFGBV Research Agenda


    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). Arabic executive summary. العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي الميسر بالتكنولوجيا: تطوير جدول أعمال بحثي مشترك. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). Arabic full report. العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي الميسر بالتكنولوجيا: تطوير جدول أعمال بحثي مشترك. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). English executive summary. Technology Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: Developing a shared research agenda. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). English full report. Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: Developing a shared research agenda. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). French executive summary: Violence Basée sur le Genre Facilitée par la Technologie: Élaboration d’un Programme Partagé de Recherche. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). French full report. Violence Basée sur le Genre Facilitée par la Technologie: Élaboration d’un programme partagé de recherche. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). Spanish executive summary. Violencia basada en genero facilitada por la tecnologia: Desarrollo de una agenda global de investigacion compartida. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
    SVRI, UN Women, The Global Partnership, & APC. (2024). Spanish full report. Violencia basada en género facilitada por la tecnología: Desarrollo de una agenda global de investigación compartida. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.

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    Wamunyu, W., Jowi, F., Kimweli, P. (2023) Unmasking The Trolls: Research on Online Gender-Based Violence in Kenya, Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet):  

    MacQuarrie, K, L. D., Edmeades, J., & Rosenberg, R. (2022). The Gender Digital Divide: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Analytical Studies No. 85. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF.

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    Mobilising for Rights Associates (2019) Virtual Violence, Real Harm: Promoting State Responsibility for Technology-Facilitated Gender Based Violence against Women in Morocco Action Research Report:  

    Aceng, S. (2023). How Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) uses technology to respond to online gender-based violence. In Routledge eBooks (pp. 186–191). 

    Supporting Women Responding to Technology Facilitated Abuse Booklet, Cyber Awareness Ireland; National Cyber Security Awareness Task Force, Safe Ireland. 

    Carrillo, E., Bogado, A., Kostic, B., (2024) Perpetrators Of Gender-Based Violence Online: Roadmap for investigations, World Wide Web Foundation:  

    Hussain, H. Javed, A., Jethwa, N., Meher, E., Naidoo, N. A., (2022) Orbits: a global field guide to advance intersectional, survivor-centred, and trauma-informed interventions to TGBV, Chayn & End Cyber Abuse:  

    PMA Gender, Kenyatta University, and International Center for Reproductive Health Kenya (ICRHK). (2023) Results from PMA Agile 2/GBVDescriptive Analysis. Baltimore, Maryland, USA & Nairobi, Kenya: 

    Policy recommendations from FIRN research | (2023), Feminist Internet Research Network: 

    McLean, N., Cicero, T. (2023) The Left Out Project report: The case for an online gender-based violence framework inclusive of transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse experiences, Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN), Association for Progressive Communications (APC)  

    Social Development Direct (2022) Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: Preliminary Landscape Analysis, The Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse (Global Partnership):  

    chayn dot co

    Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) approach to research priority setting:  


    Helpline UK:    


    Image abuse:  

    Several reports: Recognize, Resist, Remedy: Addressing Gender-Based Hate Speech in the Online Public Sphere, IT for Change:

    TFGBV – SVRI website:  

    Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)

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