Day 1 Overview of research on sexual violence in Africa Legislation for sexual violence in Africa and considerations for preparing and delivering evidentiary requirements Public health approach to sexual violence An overview of lessons learned on SGBV in Africa Overview of women’s responses: Desk review and implications for programmes, policies, services and research Day 2 The role of the medical evidence within the existing legal frameworks Overview on desk review on medico-legal services Research to understand integrated medico-legal responses Using research to improve services nationally – Developing strategies Day 3 Describing the standards for ‘custody-of-evidence’ chain for post rape care services in Kenya Innovative responses to the management of sexual violence in a public setting The Copperbelt model of integrated care for survivors of rape and defilement Training of sexual assault health care providers – national curriculum development Post rape care services-public health model Medico-legal responses to sexual violence – Malawi Medico-legal response to sexual violence – Kenya Best practices in physical evidence collection Sexual Violence Research Initiative
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