On 8 February 2023, the SVRI in partnership with the University of Belgrade held a webinar to introduce the work of the SVRI, share current research underway in the region, and strengthen networks and sharing in South East Europe.
Webinar Recording
Word Cloud
Babović,M., Obradović, J., & Stević, M. (2022). Human Trafficking in Serbia: Overview of the Situation in the Context of the 21st Century. ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wn0iu42WK57IN4zDyYIHY3_MPGrb6oct/view
Radoičić Nedeljković, A., & Glišić, M. (2022). In front of the Screens. Research on Gender-Based Violence in the Digital Environment. NGO Atina. http://www.atina.org.rs/en/%E2%80%9C-front-screens%E2%80%9D-research-gender-based-violence-digital-environment
Pavlović, S. (2022). I Appeal to the Court…”- Monitoring of the Five Year Implementation of the Public Peace and Order act, Article 16 – Prostitution. Autonomous Women’s Center. https://womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/publications-on-violence/1954-i-appeal-to-the-court
Lacmanović, V. (2022). When Institutions Fail, Silence Remains – Analysis of Institutional Response to Reports of Violence That Preceded Femicide [2017-2018]. Autonomous Women’s Center. https://www.womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/good-practice-development-program/1869-when-institutions-fail-silence-remains-analisys-of-institutional-response-to-reports-of-violence-that-preceded-femicide-2017-2018-2022
Lacmanović, V., Mališić, A., Ivković, J., & Ignjatović, T. (2022). Systemic Education Postponed until Further Notice – Analysis of Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Rights of Children and Youth in Curricula in Elementary and High Schools in Serbia. Autonomous Women’s Center. https://www.womenngo.org.rs/en/news/1910-awc-analysis-systemic-education-postponed-until-further-notice
Hrnjak, J., & Radoičić Nedeljković, A. (2021). Mankind Owes to the Child the Best that it has to Give. A Case Study on the Violation of the Right to Privacy and Confidentiality of Data of Child Victims of Trafficking People and Sexual Abuse in Serbia. Citizens’ Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Gender Based Violence. http://www.atina.org.rs/en/mankind-owes-child-best-it-has-give
Radoičić, A. (2021). Behind the Screens. Analysis of Human Trafficking Victims’ Abuse in Digital Surroundings. NGO Atina. http://www.atina.org.rs/en/behind-screens-analysis-human-trafficking-victims-abuse-digital-surroundings
Bijelić, N., Pedrola Vives, E., Szalontai, F., & Pavlović, S. (2020). Awareness and Attitudes of Secondary School Students towards Youth Intimate Partner Violence (Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia). Autonomous Women’s Center, Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje, Foundacion INDERA, Nők a Nőkért Együtt az Erőszak Ellen. https://womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/good-practice-development-program/1996-awareness-and-attitudes-of-secondary-school-students-towards-youth-intimate-partner-violence-spain-hungary-serbia-croatia-2020
Pavlović, S. (2020). Awareness, Experiences and Strategies of High School Students for Addressing the Problem of Digital Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (Serbia). Autonomous Women’s Center. https://womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/good-practice-development-program/1997-awareness-experiences-and-strategies-of-high-school-students-for-addressing-the-problem-of-digital-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-serbia-2020
Pedrola Vives, E., Szalontai, F., Ignjatović, T., Ileš, M., & Bijelić, N. (2020). Secondary School Teachers’ Awareness of Cyber Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Youth Partner Relationships (Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia). Autonomous Women’s Center, Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje, Foundacion INDERA, Nők a Nőkért Együtt az Erőszak Ellen. https://womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/good-practice-development-program/1994-secondary-school-teachers-awareness-of-cyber-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-in-youth-partner-relationships-spain-hungary-serbia-croatia-2020
Ignjatović, T., & Ileš, M. (2020). Attitudes and Response of Secondary School Representatives to Abuse in Youth Romantic/Intimate Partner Relationships (Serbia). Autonomous Women’s Center, Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje, Foundacion INDERA, Nők a Nőkért Együtt az Erőszak Ellen. https://womenngo.org.rs/en/publications/good-practice-development-program/1995-attitudes-and-response-of-secondary-school-representatives-to-abuse-in-youth-romantic-intimate-partner-relationships-serbia-2020
Ćeriman, J., & Stevanović, O. (2019). The Future is in My Hands. Analysis of the Correlation between Gender Stereotypes and Gender-Based Violence. NGO Atina. http://atina.org.rs/en/future-my-hands-analysis-correlation-between-gender-stereotypes-and-gender-based-violence