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Svri Strat Design Assets 06

Latin America & Caribbean

Svri Strat Design Assets 05
Svri Strat Design Assets 03

Latin America & Caribbean

Svri Strat Design Assets 06
Villagrán, A. M., Santirso, F. A., Lila, M., & Gracia, E. (2023). Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Latin America: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380231205824.
Fahlberg, A., Velasquez, M., Wise, H., & Simon, T. (2023). Tangential Movements: How feminist organizing against gender-based violence offers an alternative avenue for protesting drug violence in Latin America. World Development, 161, 106118.
Swan, L. E. T., Henry, R. S., Smith, E. R., Aguayo Arelis, A., Rabago Barajas, B. V., & Perrin, P. B. (2021). Discrimination and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration Among a Convenience Sample of LGBT Individuals in Latin America. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(15–16), NP8520–NP8537.
Equipo Free. (2021). Identificación y revisión de literatura sobre violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas en América Latina y el Caribe (Producto 1). Equipo Free.
Makleff, S., Billowitz, M., Garduño, J., Cruz, M., Silva Márquez, V. I., & Marston, C. (2020). Applying a complex adaptive systems approach to the evaluation of a school-based intervention for intimate partner violence prevention in Mexico. Health Policy and Planning, 35(8), 993–1002.
Evens, E., Lanham, M., Santi, K., Cooke, J., Ridgeway, K., Morales, G., Parker, C., Brennan, C., de Bruin, M., Desrosiers, P. C., Diaz, X., Drago, M., McLean, R., Mendizabal, M., Davis, D., Hershow, R. B., & Dayton, R. (2019). Experiences of gender-based violence among female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and transgender women in Latin America and the Caribbean: a qualitative study to inform HIV programming. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 19(1), 9.
Lanham, M., Ridgeway, K., Dayton, R., Castillo, B. M., Brennan, C., Davis, D. A., Emmanuel, D., Morales, G. J., Cheririser, C., Rodriguez, B., Cooke, J., Santi, K., & Evens, E. (2019). “We’re Going to Leave You for Last, Because of How You Are”: Transgender Women’s Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in Healthcare, Education, and Police Encounters in Latin America and the Caribbean. Violence and Gender, 6(1), 37–46.
Reisner, S. L., Perez-Brumer, A., Oldenburg, C. E., Gamarel, K. E., Malone, J., Leung, K., Mimiaga, M. J., Rosenberger, J. G., & Biello, K. B. (2019). Characterizing HIV risk among cisgender men in Latin America who report transgender women as sexual partners: HIV risk in Latin America men. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 30(4), 378–385.
Bott, S., Guedes, A., Ruiz-Celis, A. P., & Mendoza, J. A. (2019). Intimate partner violence in the Americas: a systematic review and reanalysis of national prevalence estimates. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 43, e26.
Tobasía-Hege, C., Pinart, M., Madeira, S., Guedes, A., Reveiz, L., Valdez-Santiago, R., Pileggi, V., Arenas-Monreal, L., Rojas-Carmona, A., Piña-Pozas, M., Gómez Ponce de León, R., & Souza, J. P. (2019). [Disrespect and abuse during childbirth and abortion in Latin America: systematic review and meta-analysisDesrespeito e maus-tratos durante o parto e o aborto na América Latina: revisão sistemática e meta-análise]. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica = Pan American Journal of Public Health, 43, e36.
Khan, S. F., Dongarwar, D., Aliyu, M. H., & Salihu, H. M. (2019). Multicountry analysis of pregnancy termination and intimate partner violence in Latin America using demographic and health survey data. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 146(3), 296–301.
Devries, K., Merrill, K. G., Knight, L., Bott, S., Guedes, A., Butron-Riveros, B., Hege, C., Petzold, M., Peterman, A., Cappa, C., Maxwell, L., Williams, A., Kishor, S., & Abrahams, N. (2019). Violence against children in Latin America and the Caribbean: What do available data reveal about prevalence and perpetrators? Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica, 43, e66.
Jeremiah, R. D., Quinn, C. R., & Alexis, J. M. (2018). Lessons learned: Evaluating the program fidelity of UNWomen Partnership for Peace domestic violence diversion program in the Eastern Caribbean. Evaluation and Program Planning, 69, 61–67.
Impunity for violence against women defenders of territory, common goods, and nature in Latin America. (2018). Urgent Latin Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Levine, E. C., Martinez, O., Mattera, B., Wu, E., Arreola, S., Rutledge, S. E., Newman, B., Icard, L., Muñoz-Laboy, M., Hausmann-Stabile, C., Welles, S., Rhodes, S. D., Dodge, B. M., Alfonso, S., Fernandez, M. I., & Carballo-Diéguez, A. (2018). Child sexual abuse and adult mental health, sexual risk behaviors, and drinking patterns among Latino men who have sex with men. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 27(3), 237–253.
Jeremiah, R. D., Quinn, C. R., & Alexis, J. M. (2017). Exposing the culture of silence: Inhibiting factors in the prevention, treatment, and mitigation of sexual abuse in the Eastern Caribbean. Child Abuse & Neglect, 66, 53–63.
Ivanova, O., Cordova-Pozo, K., Segura, Z. E., Vega, B., Chandra-Mouli, V., Hindin, M. J., Temmerman, M., Decat, P., De Meyer, S., & Michielsen, K. (2016). Lessons learnt from the CERCA Project, a multicomponent intervention to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health in three Latin America countries: a qualitative post-hoc evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 58, 98–105.
Wirtz, A. L., Alvarez, C., Guedes, A. C., Brumana, L., Modvar, C., & Glass, N. (2016). Violence against children in Latin America and Caribbean countries: a comprehensive review of national health sector efforts in prevention and response. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1006.
Alvarez, C. P., Davidson, P. M., Fleming, C., & Glass, N. E. (2016). Elements of Effective Interventions for Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Latina Women: A Systematic Review. PLOS ONE, 11(8), e0160518.
Francisco Aguayo, Eduardo Kimelman, Pamela Saavedra, Jane Kato-Wallace. (2016). Engaging men in public policies for the prevention of violence against women and girls. UN Women and UNFPA.
Lachenal C, Toledo C, Bakker T. Fundar. (2016). Beyond domestic violence laws in Latin America: Challenges for protection services for survivors. Centre of Analysis and Research Mexico.
Francisco Aguayo, Eduardo Kimelman, Pamela Saavedra, Jane Kato-Wallace. (2016). Hacia la incorporación de los hombres en las políticas públicas de prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas. UN Women and UNFPA.
Tavares, A. G. de C., Báez, J., Jaime, M., Chávez, L., Giorgi, A. L. D., Viruez, R., López, A., Sánchez, M., & Teresa Díaz Canals. (2016). Movimientos de mujeres y lucha feminista en América Latina y el Caribe / Magdalena Valdivieso ... [et al.]. - 1a ed . - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : CLACSO.
Stewart, D. E., Aviles, R., Guedes, A., Riazantseva, E., & MacMillan, H. (2015). Latin American and Caribbean countries’ baseline clinical and policy guidelines for responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 665.
Thornton, C. P., & Veenema, T. G. (2015). Children Seeking Refuge: A Review of the Escalating Humanitarian Crisis of Child Sexual Abuse and HIV/AIDS in Latin America. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 26(4), 432–442.
Córdova Pozo, K., Chandra-Mouli, V., Decat, P., Nelson, E., De Meyer, S., Jaruseviciene, L., Vega, B., Segura, Z., Auquilla, N., Hagens, A., Van Braeckel, D., & Michielsen, K. (2015). Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Latin America: reflections from an International Congress. Reproductive Health, 12, 11.
Simeon, D. (2015). A New Strategy to Increase Scientific Publications and Facilitate Research Uptake in the Caribbean. The West Indian Medical Journal, 64(1), 1–2.
Monterrosas Castrejón, Erick, & Hunt, Flor. (2015). Evaluación de la implementación de la Declaración Ministerial “Prevenir con Educación”. Su cumplimiento en América Latina 2008–2015. IPPF.
Spotlight on Organisations: Gender violence in latin America. (2014). Funder.
Raj, A., & Boehmer, U. (2013). Girl Child Marriage and Its Association With National Rates of HIV, Maternal Health, and Infant Mortality Across 97 Countries. Violence Against Women, 19(4), 536–551.
Ana Isabel Garita Vílchez. (2013). Nuevas Expresiones de Criminalidad: Contra las mujeres en America Latina y el Caribe: Un desafio del sistema de justicia en el siglo XXI. Unidas ÚNETE.
Bott, S., Guedes, A., Goodwin, M., & Jennifer Adams Mendoza. (2012). Violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A comparative analysis of population-based data from 12 countries. PAHO.
Richardson, E., & Birn, A.-E. (2011). Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Latin America: an analysis of trends, commitments and achievements. Reproductive Health Matters, 19(38), 183–196.
Ahrens, C. E., Isas, L., & Viveros, M. (2011). Enhancing Latinas’ Participation in Research on Sexual Assault: Cultural Considerations in the Design and Implementation of Research in the Latino Community. Violence Against Women, 17(2), 177–188.
Juan Manuel Contreras, Alessandra Guedes, Elizabeth Dartnall, & Sarah Bott. (2010). Sexual violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A desk review. SVRI.
María Isabel Davidziuk, & María Alejandra Davidziuk. (2009). Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia: Cross-country study on violence against women and information communication technologies.
Pantelides, E. A., & Manzelli, H. (2005). Violencia en la pareja: Evidencias a partir de encuestas a hombres centroamericanos. Papeles de población, 11(45), 247–270.
Andrew Morrison, Mary Ellsberg, & Sarah Bott. (2004). Addressing gender-based violence in the Latin American and Caribbean region: a critical review of interventions. World Bank Policy. Research Working Paper 3438. Washington, DC: World Bank. World Bank and PATH.
Pinotti, J., & Faúndes, A. (1989). Unwanted pregnancy: challenges for health policy. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 30, 97–102.
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