LAC Regional Priority Setting
Building on the Global Shared Research Agenda (GSRA) and as part of continuing efforts to help ensure limited, precious research resources are directed to priority research questions, the SVRI commissioned Equipo FREE to facilitate the creation of a set of research priorities for Latin America and Caribbean (LAC).
After an extensive, participatory process, the LAC regional research agenda identified 23 research priorities under 6 domains including four general priorities.
Domain 1. Characterization of violence against women and girls
- Violence against women and girls in special conditions of vulnerability (LBTI+, with disabilities, indigenous people, Afro-descendants, etc.).
- The COVID-19 crisis and the exacerbation of multiple forms of violence against women and girls.
- Violence against women and girls on the internet and social networks, risk and protection factors.
Domain 2. Strategies and actions to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls
- Strategies/actions to prevent violence against women and girls with an intersectional approach.
- Strategies/actions to prevent violence against women and girls in particular conditions of vulnerability (LBTI+, indigenous, disabled, migrants, Afro-descendants, etc.).
- Strategies/actions to report and care for victims of violence against women and girls with an intersectional approach.
Domain 3. Improvement of prevention and care interventions against violence against women and girls
- Good practices in strategies and interventions to prevent, address and punish violence with the potential for replicability/scalability.
- Adaptability and replicability/scalability of good practices in violence prevention and response interventions with groups of women and girls in conditions of special vulnerability.
- Adaptability and replicability/scalability of good practices in violence against women and girls prevention and response interventions in specific contexts.
Domain 4. Impact of policies and laws against violence against women and girls
- Results and impacts of national policies for the prevention, care, punishment and reparation of violence against women and girls.
- Compliance with national and international legislation on violence against women and girls.
- Results and impacts of local policies for the prevention, care, punishment and reparation of violence against women and girls.
Domain 5. Costs and economic impacts of violence against women and girls
- Costs and economic impacts of violence against women and girls in the family environment.
- Economic costs and impacts of violence against women and girls in State budgets.
- Costs and economic impacts of violence against women and girls at the community level.
Domain 6. Measurement of violence against women and girls
- Innovative qualitative methodologies for measuring violence against women and girls from the intersectional approach.
- Design of indicators to measure state compliance with international commitments for the prevention, care, punishment and reparation of violence against women and girls.
- Design of indicators to measure violence against women and girls in different contexts.
- Institutional/State capacities for the identification and measurement of cases of different types of violence against women and girls.
Four general priorities
- Investigate femicide/femicide violence, institutional or state violence, and sexual violence both within the couple and outside, particularly sexual harassment.
- The production of mixed-type research, which combines quantitative data with qualitative information to show and make visible VAWG and its different expressions.
- Within the VAWG phenomenon, risk factors are the priority elements to be investigated.
- In the age cycle, violence against girls and adolescents is the highest priority to be investigated.
Equipo FREE. (2021, November 29). Más resultados de la consulta virtual para la construcción de la Agenda Regional. SVRI Blog.
Equipo FREE. (2021, November 18). Primeros resultados de la consulta virtual para la construcción de la Agenda Regional. SVRI Blog.
Equipo FREE. (2021, October 28). La Agenda regional prepara la conformación de su Junta Asesora. SVRI Blog.
Equipo FREE. (2021, October 18). Lanzamiento en América Latina y el Caribe de la Agenda Global de Investigación en violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas. SVRI Blog.
Porras Gómez, C., Landa Ugarte, A., Argueta Vásquez, I., & Vaca Parada, B. (2022). Spanish full report: Establecimiento de prioridades de investigación en violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Equipo FREE.
Porras Gómez, C., Landa Ugarte, A., Argueta Vásquez, I., & Vaca Parada, B. (2022). English executive summary: Establishing research priorities on violence against women and girls in the Latin American and Caribbean region [Research summary].
Porras Gómez, C., Landa Ugarte, A., Argueta Vásquez, I., & Vaca Parada, P. (2022). English full report: Establishing research priorities on violence against women and girls in the Latin American and Caribbean region [Research report]. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Annexo 1. Formulario identificación personas expertas VCMN. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 2. Cuestionario 1 prioridades investigación VCMN. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 3. Guia de entrevistas. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 4. Listado países subregiones América Latina y Caribe. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 5. Cuestionario 2 prioridades investigación VCMN. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 6. Listado de integrantes de la Junta Asesora. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Anexo 7. Listados estudios revisión biliográfica. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Agenda Regional. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Agenda Regional - English. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Agenda Regional Proceso. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2022). Regional Agenda Setting Process. Equipo FREE.
Equipo FREE. (2021). Producto 2: Informe de identificación de expertas y expertos para la consulta sobre prioridades de investigación en violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas en América Latina y el Caribe. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.
Equipo FREE. (2021). Producto 1: Identificación y revisión de literatura sobre violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas en América Latina y el Caribe. Sexual Violence Research Initiative.