Blog Addressing women’s safety needs during lockdown in India In India, as in many other places in the world, there was an increase in violence against women (VAW) during the lockdown. During the lockdown imposed in March 2020, Dilaasa… December 10, 2021
Blog The ‘shadow pandemic’ requires more than a shadow response Thirty years on and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) is as important now as it was in its first year. Starting annually on November 25, the International Day… December 7, 2021
Blog Recommendations to address gender based violence in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea Introduction A report published by the Overseas Development Institutehighlights rates of gender-based violence (GBV) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to be of “epidemic proportions”. It is estimated that two-thirds of women… June 10, 2021
Blog Desmontando núcleos de poder en la investigación feminista interseccional Leer en Ingles. El conocimiento es poder, por lo tanto, su generación y uso para solucionar problemas en las vidas de las personas es otro de los terrenos, en el que… June 3, 2021
Blog Dismantling power in intersectional feminist research Read this blog in Spanish. Knowledge is power. Therefore, its generation and use to solve challenges in people’s lives is another terrain in which patriarchal, colonizing and supremacist tendencies are replicated.… June 3, 2021
Blog La prohibición del alcohol en Bihar, India: ¿ha resultado en menos violencia contra las mujeres? El gobierno de Bihar, India, implementó una prohibición total del alcohol, incluida su manufactura, venta, almacenamiento y consumo desde abril de 2016. Esta política tuvo por objeto reducir la violencia… December 8, 2020
Blog L’interdiction de l’alcool au Bihar, en Inde, a-t-elle réduit la violence contre les femmes? En Inde, le gouvernement du Bihar a mis en place une interdiction totale de l'alcool, c’est-à-dire sa fabrication, sa vente, son stockage et sa consommation depuis avril 2016. Lire en English et… December 8, 2020
Blog Has the alcohol prohibition in Bihar, India resulted in less violence against women? The government of Bihar, India, implemented a total ban on alcohol, including its manufacture, sale, storage and consumption since April 2016. This policy was aimed at reducing domestic violence and… December 8, 2020
Blog Examinando los impactos estructurales en el secuestro de novias * Escribimos esta publicación en medio de protestas políticas que han sacudido a Kirguistán, con la anulación de los recientes resultados electorales. Enviamos nuestros pensamientos a quienes trabajan para garantizar un gobierno justo, democrático y… December 4, 2020
Blog Examen des impacts structurels sur l’enlèvement de jeunes femmes en vue de mariage forcé *Nous écrivons cet article durant les manifestations politiques qui ont secoué le Kirghizistan, les résultats des récentes élections ayant été annulés. Nos pensées vont à ceux qui travaillent pour assurer un gouvernement juste, démocratique et transparent; et espérons une résolution… December 4, 2020