This event provided a unique space, bringing together several UN agencies, government officials, civil society organizations, global researchers and other experts in the field of preventing and responding to violence against women and girls to exchange experiences and explore ways to implement effective and promising practices to address VAW in LAC. Organised by UN Women in partnership with PAHO, UNFPA and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI), this meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss ways in which we can improve mechanisms for sharing evidence generated outside of the LAC region with those colleagues working in LAC and vice-versa, including through mechanisms such as the SVRI Forum 2017, held from 18-21 September, Rio de Janeiro in 2017.
Presentations and materials shared at this meeting are available online via the links below.
Panel I: Setting the stage
PANEL II : What works to prevent VAWG: Evidence based interventions from around the world
PANEL III: Innovative prevention programs from the LAC region
PANEL IV: What is required for programs to be adapted to different settings and to be brought up to scale: Case studies
PANEL V: Tools and experiences to strengthen health systems’ responses to VAWG
PANEL VI: Innovative programs to respond to violence against women in LAC
PANEL VII – UN efforts/ tools to support prevention and responses to VAW in the LAC region
WHO. (2016). Ethical and safety recommendations for intervention research on violence against women – Building on lessons from the WHO publication: Putting women first: ethical and safety recommendations for research on domestic violence against women. WHO.
WHO. (2016). Global Plan of Action: Health systems address violence against women and girls. WHO.
UN Women. (2015). A framework to underpin action to prevent violence against women. UN Women.
Sexto Sentido Telenovela feminista en Centroamérica
Una de cada tres mujeres en el mundo ha sufrido violencia física o sexual
WHO – Violence against women: Strengthening the health system response
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